
*                                               *
* NOTE: Some of the Academy's early reports     *
*       contain errors that we haven't yet      *
*       corrected.  Please use it with caution. *
*                                               *

28 Mar 1998


Here's the information we found on "Deniselle," which you wanted to
use as a French name from between 1400 and 1600.

We looked in a number of books, both on French names and names in
general, and we weren't able to find "Deniselle."  However, we
think that it is a plausible historical name.

We found a male name "Denisel," a variation of "Denis" which was
recorded in 1189. (1)  It did not survive into modern times, and 
based on other names we doubt that it was used after 1400.

We also found a female name "Petronelle," which is derived from the
male name "Petronel." (2)

Since "Petronelle" was formed from "Petronel," "Deniselle" could have
been formed from "Denisel."  Thus, "Deniselle" is a plausible name
for the period when "Denisel" was in use.  We only know that "Denisel"
was used in 1189, but we estimate that it could have been used between
1100 and 1300.  "Deniselle" would be a reasonable name for this period,
but probably not for the late period that you suggested.

If you were willing to have an earlier persona, "Deniselle" would be
historically appropriate.  For the period between 1400 and 1600, 
the closest name we could find was "Denise." (2)

Arval Benicoeur, Margaret MacDuibsidhe, and Talan Gwynek contributed to
this letter.

We hope this has been helpful.  If we can help you with anything else,
please let us know.

In service,
Alan Fairfax
Academy of S. Gabriel

(1) Reaney, P. H., & R. M. Wilson, _A Dictionary of English Surnames_
(London: Routledge, 1991; Oxford University Press, 1995). 

(2) Dauzat, Albert, _Dictionnaire Etymologique des Noms de Famille et
Prenoms de France_ (Paris: Libraire Larousse 1987).