The Medieval Heraldry Archive

Italian Heraldry

Blasonario Pietmontese, by Federico Bona.
A roll of Piedmontese arms, unfortunately undated.

Academy of S. Gabriel Report #2891
This report provides a list of fruits and vegetables found in late-period Italian armory.

Robbia Heraldry, by Allan Marquand.
This is a book on the heraldry and monuments of the Della Robbia school, focusing on the 15th century.

Insignia pontificum Romanorum et cardinalium I. Insignia a Felice III. ad Paulum IV.
An Italian manuscript dealing with pontifical insignia dating from 1540.

Insignia pontificum Romanorum et cardinalium II. Insignia ab Urbano VI ad Robertum de Nobilibus cardinalem.
Another Italian manuscript from 1540, dealing with insignia of popes and cardinals.

Insignia ... III. Insignia nobilium urbis Romae praecipuorum item Viterbiensium
Italian manuscript from 1540 discussing the insignia of nobles of the city of Rome.

Insignia ... IV. Insignia magistrorum Rhodiensium , by F. Claudius de la Sengle.
The insignia of masters and magistrates of Rhodes, an Italian MS from 1540.

The Medieval Heraldry Archive is published by The Academy of Saint Gabriel.
© 2000. Copyright on individual articles belongs to their authors.