These names are extracted from an on-line collection of 12th and 13th
century documents, translated by Paul
Freedman of Vanderbilt University. The texts are posted by the AARHMS
archive. Prof. Freedman left names in their original forms, so this
data represents original spellings.
The collection consists of fifteen documents ranging in date from 1101 to 1269. They include a will, several grants of land, acknowledgements of overlordship, and other legal matters, and are worth reading for a picture of life in medieval Catalonia.
The raw data are presented for each charter, with an added list of place names mentioned in the charters other than those in personal names.
Ermessendis, Ermessèn | 4 |
Guillema, Guillelma | 2 |
Maria | 2 |
Titbores | 2 |
Arsendis | 1 |
Raimunda | 1 |
València | 1 |
After grouping alternate spellings, 32 masculine given names are represented in the data. The four most common given names account for 64% of the data.
Several patronymic surnames show evidence of given names which do not otherwise appear in the data. I have not counted those names in the following frequency analysis. They are: Amalric, Bermund, Berenguer, Ermengol, Guifre/Gaufred. A few other names might be patronymics, but these are the ones of which I am certain.
Guillem, Guillelmus | 26 |
Pere | 25 |
Ramon | 22 |
Bernat, Bernad | 18 |
Arnau | 8 |
Berenguer | 6 |
Guerau | 4 |
Bertran | 3 |
Amat | 2 |
Andrea | 2 |
Artal | 2 |
Ferrer | 2 |
Ponç | 2 |
These names are used once each: Alfons, Arbert, Bonadona, Calvet, Dalmu, Dolcet, Gilabert, Gombal, Hug, Matthew, Miró, Olivar, Perpinyà, Peter, Ricart, Seguinus, Simon, Thomas, Vidal.
Alfons | 1 |
Amat | 2 |
Andrea | 2 |
Arbert | 1 |
Arnau | 8 |
Artal | 2 |
Berenguer | 6 |
Bernat, Bernad | 18 |
Bertran | 3 |
Bonadona | 1 |
Calvet | 1 |
Dalmu | 1 |
Dolcet | 1 |
Ferrer | 2 |
Gilabert, Guilabertus | 1 |
Gombal | 1 |
Guerau | 4 |
Guillem, Guillelmus | 26 |
Hug | 1 |
Matthew | 1 |
Miró | 1 |
Olivar | 1 |
Pere | 25 |
Perpinyà | 1 |
Peter | 1 |
Ponç | 2 |
Ramon | 22 |
Ricart | 1 |
Seguinus | 1 |
Simon | 1 |
Thomas | 1 |
Vidal | 1 |
Layout & publishing by Arval Benicoeur
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