Medieval Naming Guides: English Placenames

English Placenames

Lincolnshire Placenames, by Gunnvôr silfrahárr and Talan Gwynek
A couple hundred placenames, with medieval forms and etymologies.

A Collection of 613 English Borough Names for Use in Locative Bynames, by Frederic Badger
A list of English places that existed before 1650. These are modern spellings; the article suggests sources that may give medieval spellings.

English Sign Names, by Mari ingen Briain meic Donnchada.
A collection of dated references to inn or tavern names.

Names of English Colleges, by Mari Elspeth nic Bryan and Juliana de Luna
Names of English colleges and Inns of Court, including dated citations.

Comparison of Inn/Shop/House names found London 1473-1600 with those found in the ten shires surrounding London in 1636, by Margaret Makafee
An extraction of inn sign names from documents listed in Early English Books Oline.

The Medieval Names Archive is published by Ursula Georges. It was historically published by the Academy of Saint Gabriel.
Copyright on individual articles belongs to their authors.