Street names from Tallinn, Tartu and Pärnu.
by ffride wlffsdotter (Rebecca Lucas)
© 25 April 2020; all rights reserved.
This is a very short list of street names from the modern-day territory of Estonia, recorded in Middle Low German, Latin and Polish. These names are firstly sorted by the town and then by the modern Estonian street name. Where the modern and historical names are significantly different, I have tried to provide a gloss.
I started with the names mentioned in Päll (2009a), and supplemented the list with Päll (2009b) and the Institute of the Estonian Language's placename database. Where alternative forms, or unfamiliar Middle Low German terms were used, I have referred to additional sources. To give a sense of the locations of these streets, I have provided links to OpenStreetMap.
I strongly recommend, if you are interested in a specific place in Estonia, to refer to the Institute of the Estonian Language for further information.
Apteegi tänav (Estonian: 'pharmacy street') OpenStreetMap
- 1363 velud itur ad monachos (Latin: 'street leading to the monks') (Salminen 2016: 226 footnote 76)
- 1364 platea sartorum (Latin: 'street of tailors')
- 1389 parva platea sartorum (Latin: 'little street of tailors')
- 1396 lütteke schroderstrate (Middle Low German: 'little tailor street')
- 1522 kleine monkestrate (Middle Low German: 'little monk street')
- 1611 Apoteker Gasse (Middle Low German: 'pharmacy alley')
- 1614 Lütke Schröder Straße (Middle Low German: 'little tailor street')
Harju tänav (Estonian: 'Harju street') OpenStreetMap
- 1339 platea fabrorum (Latin: 'street of smiths')
- 1362 smedestrate (Middle Low German: 'smith street')
- 1363 smitdestrate (Middle Low German: 'smith street')
- 16th century kannengeterstrate (Middle Low German: 'tinsmith street')
- 16th century tinngeterstrate (Middle Low German: 'tinsmith street')
Kinga tänav (Estonian: 'shoe street') OpenStreetMap
- 1357 strata calcificum (Latin: 'paved road of shoemakers')
- 1374 schostrate (Middle Low German: 'shoe street')
- 1364 platea sutorum (Latin: 'street of shoemakers')
- 1405 schohmekerstrate (Middle Low German: 'shoemaker street')
Kullassepa tänav (Estonian: 'goldsmith street') OpenStreetMap
- 1327 vicus institoris (Latin: 'street of the storekeepers')
- 1345 platea institorum (Latin: 'street of the storekeepers')
- 1389 kremerstrate (Middle Low German: 'shopkeeper street')
- 16th century Kannengeter Strate (Middle Low German: 'tinsmith street')
Lühike jalg see also Pikk jalg (Estonian: 'small leg') OpenStreetMap
- 1353 brevis mons (Latin: 'short hill')
- 1371 parvus mons (Latin: 'small hill')
- 1428 korter berg (Middle Low German: 'shorter hill')
- 1500 Korter dombergh (Middle Low German: 'shorter cathedral hill')
Nunne tänav (Estonian: 'nun street') OpenStreetMap
- 1361 susterstrate (Middle Low German: 'sister street')
- 1364 platea sanctimonialium (Latin: 'street of the pious')
- 1368 platea monialium (Latin: 'street of the nuns')
- 1374 vicus monialium (Latin: 'street of the nuns')
- 1480 platea sororum (Latin: 'street of the sisters')
- 1606 Süsterstraße (Middle Low German: 'sister street')
Olevimägi (Estonian: 'Olev's hill') OpenStreetMap
- 1312 mons arenae (Latin: 'sand hill')
- 1332 supra montem arene (Latin: 'atop the sand hill')
- 1337 Zantberg (Middle Low German: 'sand hill')
Pikk jalg see also Lühike jalg (Estonian: 'long leg') OpenStreetMap
- 1342 longus mons (Latin: 'long hill')
- 1342 sub longo monte (Latin: 'foot of the long hill')
- 1372 langer bergh (Middle Low German: 'longer hill')
- 1489 Langer Domberg (Middle Low German: 'longer cathedral hill')
Pühavaimu tänav (Estonian: 'holy ghost street') OpenStreetMap
- 1364 retro ecclesiam sancti Spiritus (Latin: 'behind the church of the holy ghost')
- 1405 hilgen gheestes strate (Middle Low German: 'holy ghost's street')
Raekoja plats (Estonian: 'town-hall square') OpenStreetMap
- 1313 forum (Latin: 'marketplace')
- 1374 oppe deme markete (Middle Low German: 'at the market')
Rataskaevu tänav (Estonian: 'wheel-well street') OpenStreetMap
- 1328 dummestrate (Middle Low German: 'hoist street' from dume 'hoist' (Salminen 2016: 255))
- 1348, 1361 sub monte (Latin: 'foot of the hill')
- 1381 sub monte sitam penes machinam (Latin: 'foot of the hill with the apparatus')
- 1489 sternestrate (Middle Low German: 'lime (chalk) street' from stern 'lime' (Pärn 2004: 408))
Suur-Karja tänav (Estonian: 'great/big cattle street') OpenStreetMap
- 1362 vee strate (Middle Low German: 'cattle street' from veh 'cattle')
- 1365 Kariestrate (Estonian-Middle Low German mix: 'cattle street' from Estonian kari 'cattle')
- 1366 karyestrate (Middle Low German: 'cattle street')
- 1367 strata pecorum (Latin: 'street of the herd of domesticated animals')
- 1367 karigenstratte (Estonian-Middle Low German mix: 'cattle street')
- 1367 vestrate (Middle Low German: 'livestock street')
- 1369 platea pecorum (Latin: 'street of the herd of domesticated animals')
- 1372 karyenstrate (Estonian-Middle Low German mix: 'cattle street')
- 1373 kariestrate (Estonian-Middle Low German mix: 'cattle street')
- 1373 vicus pecorum (Latin: 'street of the herd of domesticated animals')
- 1376 karienstrate (Estonian-Middle Low German mix: 'cattle street')
Viru tänav (Estonian: 'Viru street') OpenStreetMap
- 1362 leym strate (Middle Low German: 'clay street' from lêm 'clay, loam')
- 1362 leympstrate (Middle Low German: 'clay street')
- 1365, 1372 lemstrate (Middle Low German: 'clay street')
- 1367 leymstrate (Middle Low German: 'clay street')
- 1376 leemstrate (Middle Low German: 'clay street')
Gildi tänav (Estonian: 'guild's street') OpenStreetMap
- 1550 Großengildestuben strasse (Middle Low German: 'big guild chambers street')
- 1582 Grosse Gildestraße (Middle Low German: 'big guild street')
- 1582 in platea Companiæ maioris (Latin: 'in the street of the greater guilds')
- 1582 in platea maioris collegÿ tenuit (Latin: 'in the street occupied by the greater guilds')
- 1582 ulicza wielkieÿ gieldÿ (Polish: 'great guild's street')
- 1616 Wielki Gildj (Polish: 'great guild's')
Jaani tänav (Estonian: (Saint) 'Jaan's street') OpenStreetMap
- 1550 bey Sanct Johannis Kirchen (Middle Low German: 'by Saint Jaan's churches')
- 1582 S(anct) Johannisstrasse (Middle Low German: 'Saint Jaan's street')
- 1582 platea S(ancti) Johannis (Latin: 'street of Saint Jaan')
- 1582 ad templum divi Johanni sacrum (Latin: 'near the shrine belonging to Holy Jaan')
- 1582 ulicza swiętego Jana (Polish: 'street of saint Jaan')
Küütri tänav (Estonianised Middle Low German: 'butcher street') OpenStreetMap
- 1550 Kuterstratte (Middle Low German)
- 1582 Die Küterstraß (Middle Low German)
- 1582 ad plateam Kuiter dictam (Latin)
- 1582 ad plateam Kwiter dictam (Latin)
- 1582 in platea Keterhausen straßen (Latin/Middle Low German)
- 1582 in platea Kitterstrassen (Latin/Middle Low German)
- 1582 in platea germanicè Küiterstraßen (Latin/Middle Low German)
- 1582 ulicza Kyterstraß (Polish)
- 1616 Kiterstras (Polish)
Lai tänav (Estonian: 'wide street') OpenStreetMap
- 1547 bredestrate (Middle Low German: 'broad street')
- 1582 Breit(en) Strasse (Middle Low German: 'broad street')
- 1582 in platea ad amplitudine (Latin: 'in the street of great size')
- 1582 ad plateam latam (Latin: 'near the broad street')
- 1582 ad plateam Ruthenicam (Latin: 'on Ruthenian road')
- 1582 in platea ampla (Latin: 'in the spacious street')
- 1582 ulicza Szÿroka (Polish: 'wide street')
- 1616 Szeroka (Polish: 'wide')
Munga tänav (Estonian: 'monk's street') OpenStreetMap
- 16th century Monichestrasse (Middle Low German: 'monk street')
- 1550 Moncke (Middle Low German: 'monk')
- 1550 Monnicke (Middle Low German: 'monk')
- 1582 Mönchstrasse (Middle Low German: 'monk street')
- 1582 platea Monachorum (Latin: 'street of monks')
- 1582 ulicza Mniska (Polish: 'monk's street')
Pikk tänav (Estonian: 'long street') OpenStreetMap
- 1543 Lange oder Karry-str. (Middle Low German-Estonian mix: 'long or karja street' from Estonian kari 'cattle'.)
Põhja tänav (Estonian: 'north street') OpenStreetMap
- 1543 Beck-strate (Middle Low German: 'stream street')
Pühavaimu tänav (Estonian: 'holy ghost's street') OpenStreetMap
- 1543 Kompenye o. des hilligen geistes str. (Middle Low German: 'company of the holy ghost's street')
- 1543 Smede-str. (Middle Low German: 'smith street')
- Institute of the Estonian Language. 2001-. "Eesti Keele Instituudi kohanimeandmebaas (KNAB)" [Institute of the Estonian Language's Placename Database]
- OpenStreetMap. 2020. Online:
- Päll, Peeter. 2009a. "Eesti tänavanimede kujunemisest" [Formation of Estonian Street Names] Emakeele Seltsi aastaraamat 55: 161-175.
- Päll, Peeter. 2009b. "Historical Multilingualism of Street Names in Estonia" Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Onomastic Sciences: 790-794.
- Pän, Anton. 2004. "Über die ältere Infrastruktur Tallinns (Revals)" [About the older infrastructure of Tallinn] In: Lübecker Kolloquim zur Stadtarchäologie im Hanseraum IV: Die Infrastruktur (Lübeck: Verlag Schmidt-Römhild); 405-425
- Salminen, Tapio. 2016. Obscure Hands - Trusted Men: Textualization, the Office of the City Scribe and the Written Management of Information and Communication of the Council of Reval (Tallinn) before 1460 Academic Dissertation, University of Tampere