German Names from Kosice, 1300 - 1500

This list of names was taken from a register of mayors and governors at Mikluš Prison, a medieval prison/legislative center in Kosice, Slovakia. The names cover the two centuries from 1300 to 1500; as far as I know the original spellings have been preserved. Master Talan Gwynek has compiled notes on the surnames.

My thanks to Lady Anya Mstyslavyaya for collecting the names for me.

Names Ordered by Date
Names Ordered Alphabetically
Occurrence of Given Names
Surnames, Alphabetical

Names Ordered by Date
1307 Arnold 1448 Augustinus Greniczer
1327 Arnoldus Villicus 1452-1461 Stephanus Cromer
1332, 1335 Arnold Comes 1462-3 Augustinus Cromer
1343 Arnoldus 1464-1466 Stephanus Cromer
1347 Albertus 1467 Augustinus Cromer
1355 Georgius Zenthffeer 1468-1472 Johannes Tockler
1361 Albertus 1472-1475 Johannes Mussikgang
1377-1378 Jacobus Stoyan 1476 Johannes Tockler
1380, 1382 Leonardus 1477-8 Franciscus Czothmar
1385 Jacobus Stoyan 1479-80 Johannes Russdorffer
1396-1397 Leonardus 1481 Johannes Tockler
1398-1399 Jacobus Stoyan 1482-1484 Paulus Dorrholtz
1400 Jacobus Kilianus 1485 Clement Czypsser
1403-4 Jacobus Stoyan 1486 Paulus Dorrholtz
1405 Ladislaus Knoblauch 1487-8 Georgius Fferber
1407 Laurentius Dytel 1489-1491 Johannes Rusdorffer
1408 Jacobus Stoyan 1492 Stephanus Irmesch
1410 Georgius Greniczer 1493-1495 Georgius Schwarcz
1416 Ladislaus Kukelbrecht 1496-1498 Georgius Gabrielis
1423-4, 1431-1435 Johannes Hebenstreit 1497 Johannes Opitzer
1436-7 Ladislaus Institor 1500-1502 Georgius Sybenberger
1439 Thadeus Schynnagel 1503 Georgius Gabrielis
1444 Johannes Hebenstreit 1504-1505 Michael Kukelbrecht

Names Ordered Alphabetically
1347 Albertus 1408 Jacobus Stoyan
1361 Albertus 1423-1424, 1431-1435 Johannes Hebenstreit
1307 Arnold 1444 Johannes Hebenstreit
1332, 1335 Arnold Comes 1472-1475 Johannes Mussikgang
1343 Arnoldus 1497 Johannes Opitzer
1327 Arnoldus Villicus 1489-1491 Johannes Rusdorffer/TD>
1462-3 Augustinus Cromer 1479-1480 Johannes Russdorffer
1467 Augustinus Cromer 1468-1472 Johannes Tockler
1448 Augustinus Greniczer 1476 Johannes Tockler
1485 Clement Czypsser 1481 Johannes Tockler
1477-8 Franciscus Czothmar 1436-7 Ladislaus Institor
1487-8 Georgius Fferber 1405 Ladislaus Knoblauch
1496-1498 Georgius Gabrielis 1416 Ladislaus Kukelbrecht
1503 Georgius Gabrielis 1407 Laurentius Dytel
1410 Georgius Greniczer 1380, 1382 Leonardus
1493-1495 Georgius Schwarcz 1396-1397 Leonardus
1500-1502 Georgius Sybenberger 1504-5 Michael Kukelbrecht
1355 Georgius Zenthffeer 1482-1484 Paulus Dorrholtz
1400 Jacobus Kilianus 1486 Paulus Dorrholtz
1377-1378 Jacobus Stoyan 1452-1461 Stephanus Cromer
1385 Jacobus Stoyan 1464-1466 Stephanus Cromer
1398-1399 Jacobus Stoyan 1492 Stephanus Irmesch
1403-4 Jacobus Stoyan 1439 Thadeus Schynnagel

Occurrence of Given Names
I have eliminated double counts where the entries appear to refer to one person. Thus I have assumed that the Albertus lsted in 1347 is the same as the one in 1361, and similarly that Arnold in 1307 is the same Arnoldus in 1343. That one is not entirely clear but since the other Arnoldus entries have surnames I think it is a reasonable assumption.

Alphabetical By Occurrence
Albertus 1 Georgius 6
Arnold, Arnoldus 3 Johannes 5
Augustinus 2 Arnold, Arnoldus 3
Clement 1 Ladislaus 3
Franciscus 1 Augustinus 2
Georgius 6 Jacobus 2
Jacobus 2 Stephanus 2
Johannes 5 Albertus 1
Ladislaus 3 Clement 1
Laurentius 1 Franciscus 1
Leonardus 1 Laurentius 1
Michael 1 Leonardus 1
Paulus 1 Michael 1
Stephanus 2 Paulus 1
Thadeus 1 Thadeus 1

Total 31 Total 31

Surnames, Alphabetical

These pages are occasionally maintained by
Guntram von Wolkenstein.
Last modified 8/12/2003.