German Names from Kosice, 1300 - 1500 |
This list of names was taken from a register of mayors and governors at Miklu Prison, a medieval prison/legislative center in Kosice, Slovakia. The names cover the two centuries from 1300 to 1500; as far as I know the original spellings have been preserved. Master Talan Gwynek has compiled notes on the surnames.
My thanks to Lady Anya Mstyslavyaya for collecting the names for me.
Names Ordered by Date
Names Ordered Alphabetically
Occurrence of Given Names
Surnames, Alphabetical
1307 | Arnold | 1448 | Augustinus Greniczer |
1327 | Arnoldus Villicus | 1452-1461 | Stephanus Cromer |
1332, 1335 | Arnold Comes | 1462-3 | Augustinus Cromer |
1343 | Arnoldus | 1464-1466 | Stephanus Cromer |
1347 | Albertus | 1467 | Augustinus Cromer |
1355 | Georgius Zenthffeer | 1468-1472 | Johannes Tockler |
1361 | Albertus | 1472-1475 | Johannes Mussikgang |
1377-1378 | Jacobus Stoyan | 1476 | Johannes Tockler |
1380, 1382 | Leonardus | 1477-8 | Franciscus Czothmar |
1385 | Jacobus Stoyan | 1479-80 | Johannes Russdorffer |
1396-1397 | Leonardus | 1481 | Johannes Tockler |
1398-1399 | Jacobus Stoyan | 1482-1484 | Paulus Dorrholtz |
1400 | Jacobus Kilianus | 1485 | Clement Czypsser |
1403-4 | Jacobus Stoyan | 1486 | Paulus Dorrholtz |
1405 | Ladislaus Knoblauch | 1487-8 | Georgius Fferber |
1407 | Laurentius Dytel | 1489-1491 | Johannes Rusdorffer |
1408 | Jacobus Stoyan | 1492 | Stephanus Irmesch |
1410 | Georgius Greniczer | 1493-1495 | Georgius Schwarcz |
1416 | Ladislaus Kukelbrecht | 1496-1498 | Georgius Gabrielis |
1423-4, 1431-1435 | Johannes Hebenstreit | 1497 | Johannes Opitzer |
1436-7 | Ladislaus Institor | 1500-1502 | Georgius Sybenberger |
1439 | Thadeus Schynnagel | 1503 | Georgius Gabrielis |
1444 | Johannes Hebenstreit | 1504-1505 | Michael Kukelbrecht |
1347 | Albertus | 1408 | Jacobus Stoyan |
1361 | Albertus | 1423-1424, 1431-1435 | Johannes Hebenstreit |
1307 | Arnold | 1444 | Johannes Hebenstreit |
1332, 1335 | Arnold Comes | 1472-1475 | Johannes Mussikgang |
1343 | Arnoldus | 1497 | Johannes Opitzer |
1327 | Arnoldus Villicus | 1489-1491 | Johannes Rusdorffer/TD> |
1462-3 | Augustinus Cromer | 1479-1480 | Johannes Russdorffer |
1467 | Augustinus Cromer | 1468-1472 | Johannes Tockler |
1448 | Augustinus Greniczer | 1476 | Johannes Tockler |
1485 | Clement Czypsser | 1481 | Johannes Tockler |
1477-8 | Franciscus Czothmar | 1436-7 | Ladislaus Institor |
1487-8 | Georgius Fferber | 1405 | Ladislaus Knoblauch |
1496-1498 | Georgius Gabrielis | 1416 | Ladislaus Kukelbrecht |
1503 | Georgius Gabrielis | 1407 | Laurentius Dytel |
1410 | Georgius Greniczer | 1380, 1382 | Leonardus |
1493-1495 | Georgius Schwarcz | 1396-1397 | Leonardus |
1500-1502 | Georgius Sybenberger | 1504-5 | Michael Kukelbrecht |
1355 | Georgius Zenthffeer | 1482-1484 | Paulus Dorrholtz |
1400 | Jacobus Kilianus | 1486 | Paulus Dorrholtz |
1377-1378 | Jacobus Stoyan | 1452-1461 | Stephanus Cromer |
1385 | Jacobus Stoyan | 1464-1466 | Stephanus Cromer |
1398-1399 | Jacobus Stoyan | 1492 | Stephanus Irmesch |
1403-4 | Jacobus Stoyan | 1439 | Thadeus Schynnagel |
Alphabetical | By Occurrence | ||
Albertus | 1 | Georgius | 6 |
Arnold, Arnoldus | 3 | Johannes | 5 |
Augustinus | 2 | Arnold, Arnoldus | 3 |
Clement | 1 | Ladislaus | 3 |
Franciscus | 1 | Augustinus | 2 |
Georgius | 6 | Jacobus | 2 |
Jacobus | 2 | Stephanus | 2 |
Johannes | 5 | Albertus | 1 |
Ladislaus | 3 | Clement | 1 |
Laurentius | 1 | Franciscus | 1 |
Leonardus | 1 | Laurentius | 1 |
Michael | 1 | Leonardus | 1 |
Paulus | 1 | Michael | 1 |
Stephanus | 2 | Paulus | 1 |
Thadeus | 1 | Thadeus | 1 |
Total | 31 | Total | 31 |
Comes |
Cromer |
Czothmar |
Czypsser |
Dorrholtz |
Dytel |
Fferber |
Gabrielis |
Greniczer |
Hebenstreit |
Institor |
Irmesch |
Kilianus |
Knoblauch |
Kukelbrecht |
Mussikgang |
Opitzer |
Rus(s)dorffer |
Schwarcz |
Schynnagel |
Stoyan |
Sybenberger |
Tockler |
Villicus |
Zenthffeer |