The Bynames of the Viking Age Runic Inscriptions

by Lindorm Eriksson
(Christer Romson,

© 1999, 2000 by Christer Romson; all rights reserved.

Mental Characteristics

This table lists names from Viking-age runic inscriptions that contain bynames based on mental or behavioral characteristics. An explanation of the layout and notation can be found in the introduction.

(eptir) Sibba [hinn] Fróða, son Foldars Sibbe the Wise, son of Foldar V late 10th c. ÖL 1{1} Sibbi hinn Fróði son Foldars
(nom) Þjóðríkr hinn þormóði Þjóðríkr the bold V 9th c. ÖG 136 $
(nom) Jóhan Streitinn Jóhan the pugnacious(?) V late 11th c. U 50
(eptir) Kára hinn málspaka Kári the Eloquent V U 1146 Kári hinn Málspaki
(nom) Gunnborga hin góða Gunnborga the good V HS 21
(gen) Haralds hins góða Haraldr the good V Jelling, 2nd part of 10th c. DR 55 Haraldr hinn Góði
(at) Óðinkár Ásbjarnar son, þann dýra ok hinn dróttinfasta Óðinkárr Ásbjôrn's son, the valued and loyal V post-Jelling DR 81 Óðinkárr Ásbjarnar son, hinn Dýri ok hinn Dróttinfasti
(eptir) Karl hinn góða Karl the good V post-Jelling DR 127 Karl hinn góði
(gen) Rúnulfs hins Ráðspaka Rúnulfr the Quick-Witted V Jelling DR 161 Rúnulfr hinn Ráðspaki
(eptir) Tuma Spán Tumi Foresighted V post-Jelling DR 294
(case?) Gunna þann góða Gunni the good V 1050-1150 DR 365 # Gunni hinn Góði
(nom) Þorkell Sviðbalki Þorkell Trouble-maker(?) V ca 1000 DR EM85;265
(gen) Ólafs hins hála/halla/helga Ólafr the Slippery/Crooked/Holy V N 210 $ Ólafr hinn Háli/Halli/Helgi
(nom) Ulfríkr sorgþungr Ulfríkr the Sorrow-stricken V N 223 #
(case?) … Stillingr/Stílingr … 'The quiet one'/'The chap with the stylus' V mid 11th c. IR 7

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