The first group of names, dating from 917 to 935 contained 573 male citations divided among 27 different given names. The single most common name was Recessvindo with 32 citations (5.58% of the total), twice the number of citations for any other name. The second most common name was Ranemiro, with 16 citations (2.79% of the total). 16 more names appear more than 1% of the time (Alfonso, Frunimius, Ordonius, Teodemiro, Fortes, Obecco, Piniolo, Sanzo, Vicentius, Ermegildus, Fredenando, Diaco, Donino, Garsea, Petro, and Venancio). Another 82 names appear more than once, leaving 179 unique names in the list. Of the 279 names, 104 each are of Germanic and Latin origins (37.28% each), 27 Arabic (9.68%), 6 Christian (2.15%), 5 Greek (1.79%), 5 Hebrew (1.79%), and 4 Basque (1.43%). 21 were of unidentifiable origin. The average number of citations per name is 2.05.
The vast majority of the names in this list were constructed of a given name alone (92.92%). The second most common pattern was a given name plus a patronymic accounting for 6.26% of the cases. The remaining 5 names were given names plus toponymic by-names.
Name | # |
Recessvindo | 32 |
Ranemiro | 16 |
Alfonso | 13 |
Frunimius | 12 |
Ordonius | 10 |
Teodemiro | 10 |
Fortes | 8 |
Obecco | 8 |
Piniolo | 8 |
Sanzo | 8 |
Vicentius | 8 |
Ermegildus | 7 |
Fredenando | 7 |
Diaco | 6 |
Donino | 6 |
Garsea | 6 |
Petro | 6 |
Venancio | 6 |
Abolfeta | 5 |
Iohannes | 5 |
Sisecuto | 5 |
Vermudo | 5 |
Braolio | 4 |
Cisila | 4 |
Dulcidio | 4 |
Felix | 4 |
Froila | 4 |
Gundesalbus | 4 |
Iuliano | 4 |
Monnio | 4 |
Taion | 4 |
Teodulfus | 4 |
Amphilocius | 3 |
Christoforo | 3 |
Ciprianus | 3 |
Ferro | 3 |
Flazino | 3 |
Godemundo | 3 |
Godesteo | 3 |
Iustus | 3 |
Lecinius | 3 |
Magino | 3 |
Maurellus | 3 |
Maxitus | 3 |
Menicius | 3 |
Orbanus | 3 |
Pepino | 3 |
Recamundus | 3 |
Reccemirus | 3 |
Sesinandus | 3 |
Sisebuto | 3 |
Stephano | 3 |
Teodislu | 3 |
Abderraman | 2 |
Abdias | 2 |
Abzuleman | 2 |
Adica | 2 |
Alvaro | 2 |
Aldroiti | 2 |
Andemio | 2 |
Andreas | 2 |
Antonio | 2 |
Argemirus | 2 |
Artemio | 2 |
Bellito | 2 |
Cesario | 2 |
Donnel | 2 |
Egas | 2 |
Eugenio | 2 |
Eugenio | 2 |
Fafila | 2 |
Framila | 2 |
Galindo | 2 |
Garvisso | 2 |
Gomiz | 2 |
Gontino | 2 |
Iderales | 2 |
Liberio | 2 |
Lupi | 2 |
Mahemutus | 2 |
Martinus | 2 |
Maximus | 2 |
Nina | 2 |
Nunnus | 2 |
Olemundus | 2 |
Pater | 2 |
Quirico | 2 |
Rademundus | 2 |
Ranemundus | 2 |
Rodrico | 2 |
Sabaricus | 2 |
Sendino | 2 |
Sereno | 2 |
Severo | 2 |
Sigerico | 2 |
Sisverto | 2 |
Tello | 2 |
Vistia | 2 |
Vistremiro | 2 |
Xemeno | 2 |
Zalama | 2 |
Abaiub | 1 |
Abeyza | 1 |
Abizellus | 1 |
Aboharon | 1 |
Abolus | 1 |
Abonazeos | 1 |
Abozam | 1 |
Abundantius | 1 |
Adaiuti | 1 |
Adileubo | 1 |
Adoarius | 1 |
Adulfus | 1 |
Agane | 1 |
Agilo | 1 |
Aiaz | 1 |
Ailare | 1 |
Alario | 1 |
Albeto | 1 |
Albinus | 1 |
Alderetus | 1 |
Aliember | 1 |
Almundar | 1 |
Aluin | 1 |
Altulfo | 1 |
Amar | 1 |
Ambrino | 1 |
Ambroz | 1 |
Anastasium | 1 |
Ansuri | 1 |
Apidius | 1 |
Aragildus | 1 |
Aragonti | 1 |
Aresindus | 1 |
Argibaio | 1 |
Argifredus | 1 |
Argimundus | 1 |
Argiso | 1 |
Ariulfus | 1 |
Armentarius | 1 |
Arvidio | 1 |
Aspidius | 1 |
Assur | 1 |
Atanaricus | 1 |
Atanasius | 1 |
Athaulfus | 1 |
Ato | 1 |
Attericus | 1 |
Auriolus | 1 |
Azrec | 1 |
Bacarius | 1 |
Balla | 1 |
Ballello | 1 |
Beatus | 1 |
Benatus | 1 |
Bera | 1 |
Bolimirus | 1 |
Bonimirus | 1 |
Bonon | 1 |
Cereial | 1 |
Cililia | 1 |
Citi | 1 |
Conantius | 1 |
Cosendinus | 1 |
Cricorium | 1 |
David | 1 |
Deodato | 1 |
Deodavi | 1 |
Dominico | 1 |
Donno | 1 |
Egica | 1 |
Egila | 1 |
Eiza | 1 |
Eizac | 1 |
Elca | 1 |
Eldo | 1 |
Elpidius | 1 |
Ermildi | 1 |
Ervigius | 1 |
Evare | 1 |
Felzano | 1 |
Filoria | 1 |
Florentino | 1 |
Floridio | 1 |
Foracasas | 1 |
Fornarius | 1 |
Fortunio | 1 |
Fridulfo | 1 |
Gebuldus | 1 |
Gemel | 1 |
Genadius | 1 |
Gilfredus | 1 |
Gisellus | 1 |
Gismundus | 1 |
Gisvadus | 1 |
Gomesindo | 1 |
Gontrigus | 1 |
Gotremiro | 1 |
Grigorio | 1 |
Guamirus | 1 |
Guttier | 1 |
Hazan | 1 |
Hazzeb | 1 |
Heliseus | 1 |
Hildosindum | 1 |
Iaceo | 1 |
Iaquinto | 1 |
Imila | 1 |
Iosuae | 1 |
Isciame | 1 |
Iscipio | 1 |
Iubandus | 1 |
Iubla | 1 |
Iulius | 1 |
Lecianus | 1 |
Leodibicus | 1 |
Lubla | 1 |
Lunes | 1 |
Magito | 1 |
Mairaus | 1 |
Manulfus | 1 |
Materno | 1 |
Matteus | 1 |
Maurane | 1 |
Mauratelle | 1 |
Maurban | 1 |
Mauronta | 1 |
Mayrelli | 1 |
Meliki | 1 |
Menendus | 1 |
Meniddus | 1 |
Mentius | 1 |
Monioni | 1 |
Muza | 1 |
Oranius | 1 |
Pascuale | 1 |
Pastor | 1 |
Pelagius | 1 |
Pepi | 1 |
Pilotti | 1 |
Presentio | 1 |
Probus | 1 |
Pruenze | 1 |
Quenta | 1 |
Rademiro | 1 |
Ramiro | 1 |
Rattero | 1 |
Reccaredus | 1 |
Rexindo | 1 |
Romanus | 1 |
Rudemundus | 1 |
Sabiano | 1 |
Sando | 1 |
Sarracinus | 1 |
Sebastiano | 1 |
Senda | 1 |
Serenianus | 1 |
Seroaldus | 1 |
Sesmiro | 1 |
Sonna | 1 |
Suarius | 1 |
Tagel | 1 |
Teodinus | 1 |
Teton | 1 |
Todredus | 1 |
Valdeo | 1 |
Valerio | 1 |
Velasconi | 1 |
Vigila | 1 |
Violentus | 1 |
Virmundus | 1 |
Visandus | 1 |
Zacarias | 1 |
Zaid | 1 |
Zaite | 1 |
Zaiton | 1 |
Zanitu | 1 |
Zarinus | 1 |
Zezzon | 1 |
Zonius | 1 |
The feminine names comprising 34 citations were divided between 20 different names. The two most common were Scemena and Gelvira, with 7 (20.59%) and 6 (17.65%) citations respectively. 12 of the names were of Germanic origin, 7 of Latin origin, and the Christian María completes the 20. The average number of citations per name is 1.7.
Name | # |
Scemena | 7 |
Gelvira | 6 |
Maria | 2 |
Sesildi | 2 |
Teoda | 2 |
Auria | 1 |
Aurofilo | 1 |
Bennadda | 1 |
Ermesinda | 1 |
Fradegundia | 1 |
Gontilli | 1 |
Gontina | 1 |
Gota | 1 |
Gotecia | 1 |
Graciosa | 1 |
Gundisalba | 1 |
Iuliana | 1 |
Placia | 1 |
Sendina | 1 |
Servanda | 1 |
The Study
The Names, First Group
The Names, Second Group
The Names, Third Group
The Historical Influences
Works Consulted
Edited, formatted, and published by Arval Benicoeur