Mulch used one notation that we may have interpretted incorrectly. In two names, he used parentheses to indicate variant forms of the name: the feminine name Lu(c)gardis and the masculine Gerbod(th)o. We have assumed that Mulch meant that the first name was spelled with c or g, and that the second name was spelled with d or th.
Mulch's data are derived from Latin sources, so all the names appear in Latin forms. The great majority of names in this sample are derived from the Germanic name stock. At this time, Latin-derived names were clearly only beginning to influence naming patterns in Arnsburg. But of course it was standard throughout Europe in this period for names to be recorded in Latinized forms.
It is unlikely that the Latin forms were used in daily life, so it is worthwhile to offer some suggestions on recovering the vernacular forms of names listed here. We can only make informed guesses at the actual form of the name in regular use. In Germanic feminine names, -is is a Latin ending; dropping it will generally produce a plausible vernacular form (e.g. Methild from Methildis). Other names are best used in one of the forms recorded here. In masculine names ending -us, dropping the ending will generally produce a reasonable vernacular form (e.g., Hermann from Hermannus). The second element -ricus most often represents -rich (e.g. Heinrich from Heinricus).
Heinricus | 22 |
Hermannus | 18 |
Cunradus | 17 |
Wilhelmus | 16 |
Wernerus | 11 |
Hartmannus | 9 |
Wikerus | 9 |
Didericus | 8 |
Wigandus | 7 |
Ditmarus, Dimarus | 6 |
Hartmudus | 6 |
Meingotus, Mengotus | 6 |
Fridebertus, Fridebraht | 5 |
Rudegerus | 5 |
Wecelo | 5 |
Everwinus | 4 |
Fridericus | 4 |
Gerhardus | 4 |
Guntramus | 4 |
Harpernus | 4 |
Meffridus | 4 |
Sifridus | 4 |
Theodericus | 4 |
Eberhardus | 3 |
Gernandus | 3 |
Johannes | 3 |
Ludewicus | 3 |
Ortwinus | 3 |
The following names occurred twice in the data: Anshelmus, Arnoldus, Baldemarus, Burkardus, Dammo, Eginolf/Einolfus, Emelricus, Gerbodo/Gerbotho, Gerlacus, Giso, Godscalcus, Heidolfus, Jofridus, Nidungus, Ortolfus, Ripertus, Rudolfus, Sibragtus/Sibratus, Sigenandus, Vlricus, Withekindus.
The following names occurred once in the data: Albertus, Bernardus, Berhdoldus, Berwelfus, Ciprianus, Cristianus, Cuno, Daniel, Deigenhardus, Ditwinus, Dudo, Eckardus, Embrico, Emercho, Emicho, Endemannus, Ermenoldus, Gelfradus, Gerbertus, Giselberdus, Godesmannus, Gunterus, Gunzelinus, Gotwinus, Hapertus, Helfricus, Hertwicus, Hetzkinus, Hildebrandus, Hupertus, Hugo, Ivvanus, Lentfridus, Ludoldus, Lvfridus, Luitfridus, Marquardus, Meinfridus, Nibelungus, Otto, Petrus, Philippus, Reinboldus, Roricus, Rubertus, Ruthardus, Sibertus, Siboldus, Swikerus, Stephan, Widradus, Wintherus, Wortwinus.
Gertrudis | 6 |
Elisabeth | 5 |
Lugardis, Lucardis | 5 |
Chunegundis | 4 |
Adelheidis, Aleidis | 3 |
Methildis | 3 |
Cristina | 2 |
Guda | 2 |
Hedewigis | 2 |
Heidindrudis | 2 |
The following names occurred once in the data: Agnes, Alberadis, Berta,
Binhildis, Constantia, Evfemia, Gerhild, Hildeburgis, Yrmengardis, Judda,
Judith, Reinhedis, Sophia.
Editted & published by Arval Benicoeur