Given Names from Brittany, 1384-1600

by Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn (Heather Rose Jones,
© 2001 Heather Rose Jones, all rights reserved

These names are from parish register entries from the town of Croissic in south-eastern Brittany from the years 1384 to ca. 1600, although the vast majority are from the 16th century.

Date Breakdown:
14th c. 13
1st half 15th c. 8
2nd half 15th c. 80
1st half 16th c. 400
2nd half 16th c. 141

The selection criterion for the article was names with toponymic-origin bynames/surnames. Assuming that this type of byname is distributed randomly with respect to given names (a reasonable, if not certain, assumption), in addition to supplying specific examples of given names in use, this list should give a sense of relative popularity. The original article has an entry for each different spelling for each different individual, and supplies a full list of citations for each entry. To simplify things slightly, when multiple citations are given for a particular person-spelling, I've only given the last. (My statistical work on this sort of multiple-mention source suggests that this sort of listing remains accurate for measuring the relative popularity of names, even when multiple mentions are not controlled for.)

There is no gender information given for the entries except in rare instances when a relationship to a parent is also mentioned. I've made tentative gender identifications based on the grammatical form of the names, but French isn't one of my strong areas, so input is welcome. Question marks indicate names for which I am unsure of my choice. Linguistically Breton names are cross-referenced to the forms found in the 9-12th century Redon cartularies when available.

?Agnes? F?
       Agace 1489
       Agaysse 1575
Agnes F
       Agnes 1509
       Agnez 1555
Alain M
       Alain 1458, 1516, 1527
       Allain 1557, 1561, 1561
Alanette F?
       Alanecte 1511
       Alanete 1526
       Alannette 1535
       Allenete 1550
Aliette F?
       Aliecte 1512, 1516
       Aliete 1508, 1551, 1551
       Aliette 1509, 1512, 1567,
       Alliette 1535, 1561, 1591
       Allyecte 1551
Andre M
       Andre 1510, 1535, 1536
Anne F
       Anna 1519, 1531
       Anne 1535, 1543, 1549
Anthoine M
       Anthoine 1478
Anthonine M?F?
       Anthonine 1539, 1541, 1549
Armelle? F? (Redon has m. Armel, Armael, Armail)
       Armelle 1592
Arthur M
       Artur 1552
Beatrice F
       Beat(r)ize 1511
       Beatrice 1512
Benabic? M?
       Benabic 1452
Bernard M
       Bernard 1536, 1556, 1559
Bertho M?F?
       Bertho 1385, 1418
Bertran M
       Bertran 1562
Charles M
       Charles 1612
Christien M
       Christien 1509
Christopher M
       Christpofle 1560, 1562, 1566
Claude M
       Claude 1539, 1583
       Claudes 1578
       Claudre 1595
       Glaudre 1585 (note: same individual as several of the above)
Clement M
       Clemens 1536
       Clement 1538
Daniel ([Denic] appears to be a Breton diminutive form, [-ig] is a common modern Breton diminutive ending) M
       Denic ou Deniel 1395
Dennis M
       Denis 1494, 1509, 1549
       Denys 1508, 1511, 1523
Estienne M
       Estienne 1495, 1539
Francois M
       Francois 1531, 1547, 1549, 1551, 1557
       Fransoues 1596
Francoise F?
       Francoise 1547, 1601
       Francoysse 1510, 1597
Gaultier M
       Gaultier 1484
Geoffrey M
       Gefroy 1516
Georges M
       Georges 1549
Gervaise M
       Geruaise 1512
Giles M
       Gilles 1557, 1583
Guenguen? M?F? (no parallel in Redon)
       Guenguen 1550
Guillaume M
       Guillaume 1392, 1444, 1469, 1477, 1478, 1493, 1493, 1510, 1510, 1512, 1515, 1516, 1516, 1516, 1519, 1520, 1520, 1521, 1521, 1522, 1530, 1531, 1533, 1540, 1544, 1546, 1547, 1551, 1557, 1557, 1561, 1561, 1564, 1564, 1568, 1584
       Gullaume 1479
Guillemot M
       Guillemot 1470, 1547
Guillo M?
       Guillo 1385, 1422, 1452, 1452, 1452, 1461, 1469, 1486, 1495
Guillouic (Breton diminutive?) M
       Guillouic 1509
Guillemette F?
       Guillemecte 1509, 1509, 1511, 1512, 1535, 1536
       Guillemete 1526, 1528
       Guillemette 1510, 1516, 1517, 1519, 1524, 1526, 1527, 1527, 1529, 1529, 1537, 1544, 1548, 1550, 1557
Guiomarc'h M (Redon has this as [Guihomarc])
       Guiomarch 1397
       Guyomarch 1479
Guion (this could, in theory, either be an oblique form of French [Guy], or Breton [Guion], the latter may appear as [Guigon] in Redon) M?
       Guyone 1532, 1542, 1544, 1549
       Guyonne 1516, 1557
Guenole M
       Guinolle 1586
       Guynole 1586
Henri M
       Hanri 1547
       Henri 1469, 1510, 1513, 1516
       Henry 1480, 1481
Herve M
       Herue 1385, 1452, 1509, 1511, 1512, 1514, 1516, 1546, 1557, 1597
       Herui 1550
       Herve 1571, 1579
Hery? M?
       Hery 1515
Hivern? (the editor gives this a question mark -- I assume this means that either he's uncertain of the reading or that the name is unfamiliar to him) M?F?
       Hivern ? 1536
Hugo M
       Hugo 1532, 1539
Huon M
       Huon 1536, 1542, 1543
Isabelle F
       Isabele 1531
       Izabelle 1529, 1529
       Y(s)abelle 1548
       Ysabeau 1537
       Ysabelle 1509, 1521
       Yssabelle 1515
       Yzabelle 1527, 1527, 1528, 1541, 1544, 1550
Ives M
       Yues 1565, 1596
Ivon M
       Yuon 1494, 1508, 1511, 1512, 1515, 1516, 1517, 1520, 1522, 1529, 1539, 1556, 1557, 1559, 1596, 1597, 1610
Ivone F?
       Yuone 1560
Jacob M
       Jacob 1508, 1515, 1520, 1522
       Jocob 1511
Jacques M
       Jacques 1509, 1513, 1520, 1521, 1536, 1538, 1539, 1540, 1545, 1548
       Jaques 1515
Jacquette F
       Jacquete 1550, 1595
       Jacquette 1516, 1539
Jacquine M?F?
       Jacquine 1593
Jamet M
       Jamet 1511
Jamette F
       Jamet(te) 1511
       Jamete 1510
       Jamette 1494
Johann(a/es)? - Eon M
       Eon 1452, 1452, 1478, 1481
Johann(a/es)? - Eonne F?
       Eonne 1509
Johann(a/es)? - Eonnette F?
       Eonnecte 1538
       Eonnete 1549, 1550
Johann(a/es) - Jahan M
       Iahan 1385, 1385
       Jahan 1515
Johann(a/es) - Jan M
       Jan 1602, 1 620
Johann(a/es) - Janne F?
       Janne 1595
Johann(a/es) - Jean M
       Jean 1588, 1591
Johann(a/es) - Jeanne F
       Jeanne 1613
Johann(a/es) - Jehan M
       Jehan 1412, 1436, 1452, 1460, 1461, 1470, 1473, 1475, 1475, 1476, 1477, 1477, 1480, 1493, 1494, 1494, 1494, 1508, 1509, 1509, 1509, 1509, 1511, 1512, 1512, 1512, 1513, 1513, 1513, 1513, 1515, 1515, 1515, 1515, 1515, 1515, 1515, 1516, 1516, 1516, 1516, 1516, 1516, 1517, 1518, 1519, 1519, 1519, 1519, 1520, 1521, 1525, 1527, 1529, 1529, 1529, 1530, 1530, 1533, 1535, 1536, 1536, 1536, 1536, 1537, 1537, 1538, 1539, 1540, 1540, 1540, 1540, 1543, 1543, 1544, 1544, 1546, 1546, 1546, 1546, 1547, 1548, 1548, 1548, 1550, 1550, 1550, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1552, 1552, 1552, 1555, 1556, 1556, 1557, 1558, 1560, 1561, 1561, 1561, 1563
Johann(a/es) - Jehanne F
       Jehane 1551
       Jehanne 1478, 1493, 1510, 1510, 1510, 1510, 1511, 1511, 1511, 1512, 1512, 1513, 1516, 1520, 1524, 1524, 1525, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1528, 1537, 1537, 1539, 1543, 1544, 1550, 1552, 1552, 1553, 1555, 1555, 1557, 1557, 1559, 1561
Johann(a/es) - Johannes M
       Johannes 1544, 1552, 1539
Johann(a/es) - Jouhan M
       Jouhan 1394, 1479
Jordan M
       Jordan 1380
Julian M
       Julian 1541, 1544, 1550
       Julien 1468
Julianne F
       Juliane 1515, 1537, 1543, 1555, 1556
       Julianne 1530, 1559, 1584
       Juliene 1555
       Julienne 1509, 1510
       Julliane 1557
       Jullienne 1421, 1586
Katherine F
       Kateline 1570
       Katerine 1522
       Katharine 1537
       Katherine 1516, 1519, 1520, 1522, 1528, 1530, 1536, 1537, 1551, 1561, 1564, 1570, 1580
Laurent M
       Laurent 1548, 1550
       Lorens 1519
       Lorete 1550
Louis M
       Louis 1535, 1537, 1537
       Louys 1537
       Loys 1452
Louise F?
       Louise 1512
       Louyse 1559
Magdalene F
       Magdalene 1527
Mateline? F? (Morlet - Picarde notes a masc. [Matelin])
       Mateline 1522
Mahe? M?F?
       Mahe 1478, 1514, 1523
Margarite F
       Margarite 1512, 1515, 1515, 1519, 1519, 1519, 1538
       Marguarite 1530
       Marguaritte 1529
       Marguerite 1509
Marc M
       Marc 1478, 1527, 1528, 1537, 1539
Marquise? (in context, it appears to be used as a given name, rather than a title) M?F?
       Marquise 1511
Martin M
       Martin 1526, 1528, 1537, 1538, 1539
Marie F
       Maria 1553
       Marie 1480, 1509, 1509, 1511, 1521, 1525, 1526, 1527, 1527, 1528, 1529, 1529, 1536, 1536, 1537, 1545, 1551, 1556, 1556, 1597, 1597
       Marye 1585, 1586
Mathurin M
       Mathurin 1612
Mathieu M
       Mathieux 1557
Maurice M
       Maurice 1385, 1527, 1530, 1540, 1541
       Morice 1467, 1519, 1583
Michael M
       Michel 1509
       Mychael 1512
       Mychel 1559
Nicholas M
       Nicholas 1385, 1460, 1461, 1510, 1520, 1521
       Nicolas 1459, 1480, 1534, 1555
       Nicollas 1469, 1469, 1470, 1493
       Nycolas 1522, 1561
Nonne? F?
       Nonne 1565
Olivier M
       Oliuier 1478, 1484, 1494, 1510, 1510, 1511, 1513, 1548, 1552
       Olliuier 1520, 1578
Peter - Perrine F?
       Perine 1597
       Perrine 1511, 1542, 1543, 1547, 1550, 1557, 1568, 1573
Peter - Perrot M
       Perrot 1444
Peter - Petrus M
       Petrus 1545, 1553
Peter - Pierre M
       Pierre 1526, 1534, 1536, 1539, 1541, 1543, 1543, 1543, 1551, 1552, 1557, 1597
       Pierres 1385, 1480, 1480, 1494, 1513, 1516, 1516, 1519, 1520, 1521, 1522, 1540, 1574
Phelippe M
       Phelipes 1513
       Phelippe 1543
       Philipes 1508
       Philippe 1535, 1536
Raoul M
       Raoul 1480, 1509, 1523, 1526, 1529, 1531, 1536
       Raoulet 1478
Rio? M? (Redon lists a handful of masculine [Rio]s, most with relatives with Germanic names)
       Rio 1478
Robert M
       Robert 1493, 1509, 1512, 1513
Roland M
       Roland 1526
       Rolland 1495
Samson M
       Sanson 1540
Sebastian M
       Bastian 1516
Susanne F
       Susanne 1512
Tanguy M (in Redon as [tangi])
       Tanguy 1579
Thomas M
       Thomas 1461, 1509, 1560
       Thommas 1582
Thomine F?
       Thomine 1528
Tephaine F
       Teffaine 1478
       Tephaine 1511, 1516
       Theffaine 1494
       Theophaine 1539
       Thephaine 1539, 1556
Tudual M (in Redon as [Tuduual], [Tutuual])
       Tudual 1516
Vincent M
       Vicenne 1508
       Vincenne 1563
       Vincent 1528, 1535, 1549, 1585


Buron, Gildas. "Le peuplement et la population du pays guérandais à la fin du Moyen Âge et au début des temps modernes: l'apport de l'onomastique." Onomastique et Histoire, Onomastique Littéraire. Ed. Pierre-Henri Billy and Jacques Chaurand. Publications de l'Université de Provence, 1998.

Edited by Arval Benicoeur and Wendi Dunlap. Published by the Academy of Saint Gabriel.