Italian Heraldry
- Blasonario Pietmontese, by Federico Bona.
- A roll of Piedmontese arms, unfortunately undated.
- Academy of S. Gabriel Report #2891
- This report provides a list of fruits and vegetables found in late-period Italian armory.
- Robbia Heraldry, by Allan Marquand.
- This is a book on the heraldry and monuments of the Della Robbia school, focusing on the 15th century.
- Insignia pontificum Romanorum et cardinalium I. Insignia a Felice III. ad Paulum IV.
- An Italian manuscript dealing with pontifical insignia dating from 1540.
- Insignia pontificum Romanorum et cardinalium II. Insignia ab Urbano VI ad Robertum de Nobilibus cardinalem.
- Another Italian manuscript from 1540, dealing with insignia of popes and cardinals.
- Insignia ... III. Insignia nobilium urbis Romae praecipuorum item Viterbiensium
- Italian manuscript from 1540 discussing the insignia of nobles of the city of Rome.
- Insignia ... IV. Insignia magistrorum Rhodiensium , by F. Claudius de la Sengle.
- The insignia of masters and magistrates of Rhodes, an Italian MS from 1540.
The Medieval Heraldry Archive is published by
The Academy of Saint Gabriel.
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