A Roll of Japanese Armory

by Solveig Throndardottir (Barbara Nostrand, nostrand@acm.org)

© 1992, 2000 by Barbara Nostrand; all rights reserved.
Appeared originally in the Proceedings of the Known World Heraldic Symposium, Madrone, An Tir (Seattle, Washington) June 26-28 AS XXVII (1992)

Plate 1

16 Petal Chrysanthemum
Imperial Family 1239
Ashikaga Twin Dragons
Ashikaga Tatsuuji 1573
Mound of 3 Turtle Shells
Asai Nagamasa 1570
Asano Eagle Feathers
Asano Naganori 1675
Nine Days/Lights
Ishia Mitsunari 1595
In a well a flower blossom
Ii Naosuke 1590
Oda Kiuri
Oda Nobunaga 1560

Ouchi Yoshitaka 1532
Ginko Leaves
Ootomo Sourin 1587

Editted by Avelina Keyes and Arval Benicoeur. Published by the Academy of Saint Gabriel.