Original Latin version | Phillimore translation | Alecto translation | Notes |
Ailbric | Albert | Æthelbeorht |
Ailbriht | Albert | Æthelbeorht |
Ailm | Aelmer | Æthelhelm |
Aiulf | Aiulf | Aiulf |
Alestan | Alstan | Alstan |
Alfeg | Alfheah | Ælfheath |
Algar | Algar | Algar |
Almer | Aelmer | Almær |
Alnod | Alnoth | Alnoth |
Alric | Alric | Alric |
Alsi | Alfsi | Alsige |
Alueua | Aelfeva | Ælfgifu | PASE states that this person is male, but non-Domesday examples of this name are exclusively female |
Aluiet | Alfgeat | Ælfgeat |
Alured[us] marescal | Alfred the Marshal | Alvred the marshal | Listed as Alfred in PASE |
Aluric | Aelfric | Ælfric |
Aluuard | Alfward | Alweard |
Aluuin | Alwin | Alwine |
Aluuin[us] | Alwin | Alwine |
Aluuold | Alfwold | Alweald |
Aluuold[us] | Alfwold | Alweald |
Alvred[us] | Alfred | Alvred | Listed as Alfred in PASE |
Alward | Alfward | Alweard |
Andreas | Andrew | Andrew |
Asgar | Asgar | Esger |
Bernard[us] p[resbiter] | Bernard the priest | Bernard the priest |
Berner | Berner | Berner |
Berner[us] | Berner | Berner |
Bernervs | Berner | Berner |
Blechu | Bletcu | Blechu |
Boie p[resbiter] | Boia the priest | Boia the priest | Possibly Boio |
Borgered | Burgred | Burgræd |
Bretel | Bretel | Bretel |
Brictric | Brictric | Beorhtric |
Briend | Brian | Brain [sic] | listed as Brian in PASE Domesday |
Brihferd | Brictferth | Beorhtfrith |
Brismar | Brictmer | Beorhtmær |
Bristuald[us] | Brictwold | Beorhtweald |
Britnod | Brictnoth | Beorhtnoth |
Brixi | Brictsi | Beorhtsige |
Brodre | Broder | Brothir |
Burgered | Burgred | Burgræd |
Caduualant | Cadwallon | Cadwalant |
Chenisi | Cynesi | Cynesige |
Chenret | Kenred | Cenræd |
Chinestan | Cynestan | Cynestan |
Chitel | Ketel | Ketil |
Colo | Cola | Cola |
Dodo | Doda | Dodda |
Edmer | Edmer | Eadmær |
Ednod | Ednoth | Eadnoth |
Eduuard | Edward | Edward |
Eduuard[us] | Edward | Edward |
Eduui | Edwy | Eadwig |
Eduuin[us] | Edwin | Edwin |
Edzi | Edsi | Eadsige |
Eiulf | Aiulf | Æthelwulf |
Elmer | Aelmer | Almær |
Eluui | Alfwy | Alwig |
Erchenbald[us] | Erchenbald | Erchenbald |
Ermenhald[us] | Ermenhald | Ermenald |
Erneis | Erneis | Erneis |
Frauuin[us] | Frawin | Frawin |
Fulcard[us] | Fulchard | Fulcard |
Ghida | Gytha | Gytha | PASE states that this person is male, but non-Domesday examples of this name are exclusively female |
Godefrid[us] | Godfrey | Godfrey |
Godric | Godric | Godric |
Godric [presbiter] | Godric the priest | Godric the priest |
Goduin | Godwin | Godwine |
Goduin[us] | Godwin | Godwine |
Goscelmus | Gotshelm | Goscelm |
Grifin | Griffin | Griffin |
Grim | Grim | Grim |
Gudda | Gytha | Gytha | PASE states that this person is male, but non-Domesday examples of this name are exclusively female |
Gvnhar | Gunnar | Gunnar |
Haemar | Haemar | Hademar |
Hame | Hamelin | Hamelin |
Hamelin | Hamelin | Hamelin |
Heldric[us] | Heldric | Heldric |
Herald[us] | Harold | Harold |
Heraldvs | Harold | Harold |
Hueche | Hwata | Hueche |
Hunfrid[us] | Humphrey | Humphrey |
Jaul | Iolf | Iolfr |
Jaulf | Iolf | Iolfr |
Jouuin[us] | Iovin | Jovin |
Jovin[us] | Iovin | Jovin |
Judhail de Totenais | Iudhael of Totnes | Iudichael of Totnes |
Leuenot | Leofnoth | Leofnoth |
Leueron | Leofrun | Leofrun |
Leuric | Leofric | Leofric |
Leuuin[us] | Leofwin | Leofwine |
Levenot | Leofnoth | Leofnoth | Latin name recorded as Leuenot in PASE |
Machus | Maccus | Macco | listed as Machus in PASE |
Merken | Merken | Merken |
Merlesuain | Merleswein | Mærle-Svein |
Nigel | Nigel | Nigel |
Nigellvs | Nigel | Nigel |
Odo | Odo | Odo |
Offels | Osferth | Osfrith |
Offers | Osferth | Osfrith |
Ordulf | Ordwulf | Ordwulf |
Osb[er]n[us] | Osbern | Osbern |
Osulf | Oswulf | Oswulf |
Radulf[us] stalre | Ralph the Constable | Radulf the staller | recorded as Ralph in PASE Domesday |
Radvlf[us] | Ralph | Ralph |
Rainald[us] | Reginald | Reginald |
Ricard | Richard | Richard |
Ricard[us] | Richard | Richard |
Rogerivs | Roger | Roger |
Rolland[us] | Roland | Roland |
Saulf | Saewulf | Sæwulf |
Sauuin | Saewin | Sæwine |
Sauuin[us] | Saewin | Sæwine |
Sbern | Osbern | Esbiorn |
Seibert | Sibert | Seibert |
Sireuuold[us] | Sheerwold | Scirweald |
Sistric | Sihtric | Sigtrygg |
Sitric abb[as] | Abbot Sihtric | Abbot Sigtrygg |
Siuuard | Siward | Siward |
Toisuuald | Tortwald | Torhtweald |
Turstin[us] | Thurstan | Turstin |
Tvrstin[us] | Thurstan | Turstin |
Vctred | Uhtred | Uhtræd | listed as Uhtred in PASE |
Vlnod | Wulfnoth | Wulfnoth |
Vlsi | Wulfsi | Wulfsige |
Vluiet | Wulfgeat | Wulfgeat |
Vluric | Wulfric | Wulfric |
Vluuard | Wulfward | Wulfweard |
Vluuard[us] | Wulfward | Wulfweard |
Vluuin[us] | Wulfwin | Wulfwine |
Wadhel | Waddell | Wadel |
Wallo | Wallo | Walo |
Walter[us] de Clauile | Walter of Claville | Walter de Claville |
Waso | Wace | Waso |
Wihumar | Wihomarch | Wihumar |
Wihvmarc | Wihomarch | Wihumarc |
Willelmvs | William | William |
Wluric | Wulfric | Wulfric |
Wluuard | Wulfward | Wulfweard |