Some Notes on Rundata

by Gunnvôr silfrahárr (Christie L. Ward)

2004 Christie L. Ward; all rights reserved
Here is the complete list of sources for Rundata (Samnordisk runtextdatabas, downloadable from

Most of the time, the "Period/Datering" information in Rundata just gives the date as "V", meaning "Viking Age", which is very broad. For some Danish inscriptions from Jacobsen & Moltke a more precise sub-period is given. The periods used are:

Many of the inscriptions in Rundata also include a field called "Stilgruppering". This refers to date bands determined by the style of ornamentation on the stone as proposed by Gräslund: The date bands are:

I usually find names in Peterson's Nordiskt runnamnslexikon, then look them up in Rundata to get more info.

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