Medieval Naming Guides: Hungarian

Hungarian Names

Hungarian Names 101, by Walraven van Nijmegen
Start here if you want to choose an authentic Magyar name.

Academy of Saint Gabriel report 2854
This report discusses 12th and 13th century women's names in Poland and Hungary; and includes a list of women's given names from Hungarian sources of that period.

Names of Property Owners in Northern Hungary, 1427, by Kolosvari Arpadne Julia
A collection of given names, with discussion of name patterns, taken from a Latin record.

Hungarian Personal Names of the 16th Century, by Walraven van Nijmegen
Includes tables of most frequent men's names from 1453 to 1574.

Hungarian Feminine Names, by Walraven van Nijmegen
An analysis of 600 women's names.

Names of women in late 16th century Hungarian court records from Transylvania, by Kolosvari Arpadne Julia
An analysis of feminine names, their name patterns, frequency of given names, with information on marital names as well.

Ethnic Bynames in Hungarian before 1600, by Kolosvari Arpadne Julia
An analysis of a useful class of surnames.

Hungarian Surnames Related to Wandering, by Kolosvari Arpadne Julia
A collection of bynames, in both Hungarian and Latin contexts, related to traveling and wandering, drawn from pre-1650 citations in K´zmér Miklós, Régi Magyar családnevek sz&ocute;t&aacutre;ra.

The Medieval Names Archive is published by Ursula Georges. It was historically published by the Academy of Saint Gabriel.
Copyright on individual articles belongs to their authors.