Medieval Naming Guides: Hungarian
Hungarian Names
Hungarian Names 101,
by Walraven van Nijmegen
- Start here if you want to choose an authentic Magyar name.
Academy of Saint Gabriel report 2854
- This report discusses 12th and 13th century women's names in
Poland and Hungary; and includes a list of women's given names
from Hungarian sources of that period.
- Names of Property Owners in Northern Hungary, 1427, by Kolosvari Arpadne Julia
- A collection of given names, with discussion of name patterns, taken from a Latin
Hungarian Personal Names of the 16th Century,
by Walraven van Nijmegen
- Includes tables of most frequent men's names from 1453 to 1574.
Hungarian Feminine Names, by Walraven van Nijmegen
- An analysis of 600 women's names.
- Names of women in late 16th century Hungarian court records from Transylvania, by Kolosvari Arpadne Julia
- An analysis of feminine names, their name patterns, frequency of given names, with information on marital names as well.
Ethnic Bynames in Hungarian before 1600, by Kolosvari Arpadne
- An analysis of a useful class of surnames.
- Hungarian Surnames Related to Wandering, by Kolosvari Arpadne Julia
- A collection of bynames, in both Hungarian and Latin contexts, related to traveling and wandering, drawn from pre-1650 citations in K´zmér Miklós, Régi Magyar családnevek sz&ocute;t&aacutre;ra.
The Medieval Names Archive is published by
Ursula Georges. It was historically published by the Academy of Saint Gabriel.
Copyright on individual articles belongs to their authors.