This page presents all the different names and variants that I found. Because it was not always possible to determine whether repeated occurrences of the same name referred to the same or different women, I have not included frequency counts for the names. In the case of multiple references to the same woman, I have have only noted the year of the first occurrence. Where the same woman's name appears in multiple spellings, I have noted the first occurrence of each spelling.
As will be seen, spelling could be quite variable; the same woman's name might appear in different forms, even in a single document. Typical variations include [B] or [V], [C] or [Ç] (when followed by e or i), [i] or [y], and [yn] or [ynn] (used where modern Spanish would use [ñ]).
Names were not usually altered when they were written in Latin in the nominative case. In other grammatical cases, however, the appropriate ending would usually be added. In at least one instance, the name was actually translated into Latin. (See Pulcra, below.)
Names found in Hebrew sources are given here in their Hebrew forms, followed by my transliteration in parentheses.
Acha 1350, 1351
Acli 1338
Ecli 1336
these names probably derive from the Arabic phrase al Jawhari 'the gem'
Aliafer c. 1362
Aliofar 1309, 1342, 1368
Aliofara 1318 (Latin ablative)
Alioifar 1302
Alior 1348
רהו'גלא (Aljohar) c. 1360
ריאו'גלא (Aljoeir) 1482
Alua 1338, 1344
Aluua 1337
Aluna 1291
Amiri 1321
Astruga 1353, 1365, 1368
הגורטשא (Astruga) 1443
probably of Arabic origin; there is a similar masculine name Avivi, Abibi
Aviva 1357
Adizi Buena 1347
Azbuena 1352
Azi Buena 1345
Azibuena 1357
biblical (2 Samuel 11:3); in Hebrew Bat-sheva, Bas-sheva
Basseva 1366
Bachero 1333
(may be a misreading of Bacheuo, representing Bat-sheva)
Bella 1350
Belle 1350 (Latin genitive)
Diminutive of Bella
Beillida 1347, 1353
Beillita 1345
Belida 1344
Belita 1357
Bellida 1290, 1342, 1343, 1350
Bellita 1294, 1336, 1352, 1353, 1358, 1362
Bellyta 1357
Beyllida 1352
Beyllita 1346
Veillida 1348
Veillita 1353
Vellida 1341
Vellita 1352
Vayllida 1351
Veyllida 1345, 1351
'well come'
Bemueynas 1341 (Possibly a misreading of Beniueynas. She is also called Bonauena.)
Beneuenta 1339
Benuenguta 1350
Benuenida 1361
Bienbenguda 1351
Bona Auena 1340
Bonauena 1341
Blanca 1286
Blanqua 1291
One woman is called both Bona and Bonastruga.
Bona 1328, 1346, 1351
Bonona 1345 (may be a diminutive of Bona)
Buena c.1362
הניאוב (Buena) 1480
compound of Bona and Astruga
Bonanstruga 1353
Bonastruga 1280, 1294, 1306, 1312, 1330, 1334, 1336, 1343, 1344, 1347, 1350, 1351, 1352, 1354, c.1362, 1366
Buena Astruga 1335, 1346, 1377
Buena Struga 1341
Buenaestruga 1351
Buenastruga 1290, 1332, 1353, 1361, 1363, 1366, 1379
הגורטשא הניאוב (Buena Astruga) 1362
הגורטש הניאוב (Buena Struga) 1362
הגורטשהניאוב (Buenastruga) 1362
הקורטשא הנוב (Bona Astruca) c.1325
Chera 1285 (A French or Occitan form.)
Arabic, 'lady'
Ceti 1284, 1285, 1290, 1330, 1341, 1342, 1345, 1357, 1367
Cety 1344, 1357
Çeçi 1319
Çeti 1331, 1337, 1345, 1350, 1353
Çida 1359
diminutive of Ceti
Cetieylla 1338
הליידיס (Cideila) 1362
הלידיס (Cidila) c.1325, 1362
אילידיס (Cidilia) 1362
איילידיס (Cidiliya) 1362
Hebrew simcha, 'gladness'
Cianha 1370
Cima 1286, 1305, 1312, 1328, 1334, 1340, 1341, 1342, 1351, 1370, 1377
Cyma 1285, 1348
Çima 1285, 1286, 1294, 1328, 1330, 1335, 1336, 1337, 1350, 1351, 1354
Çimam 1336 (Latin accusative)
Çime 1340 (Latin ablative)
החמש (Simcha) c.1325, c.1362
Clara 1353
Colaça 1345 (cf. Çeçi for Çeti)
Colada 1318, 1338
Colata 1290, 1329, 1338, 1343, 1348, 1349, 1353, 1380
Collata 1358
Dolceamori 1340
Dolçe Amori 1339
Dulce Amori 1341
Dolça 1290, 1334, 1337, 1351, 1352, 1353, 1354, 1355, 1369
הסלוד (Dolsa) 1443
diminutive of Dueynna
Donieylla 1342
איילינוד (Doniliya) 1362
Drenda 1347
'lady, mistress'
Doyna 1354
Doynna 1350
Duena 1304, 1305
Duenna 1318, 1378
Dueya 1355
Dueyam 1328 (Latin accusative)
Dueyna 1285, 1286, 1305, 1348, 1350, 1353, 1362
Dueynna 1290, 1312, 1328, 1336, 1342, 1344, 1345, 1351, 1353, 1359
Duynna 1361
הניאוד (Dueyna) 1352
איניאוד (Dueynia) 1482
Elisa c.1362
biblical (Esther 2:7)
Ester 1343, 1354
Ezster 1345
Ezter 1294, 1322, 1329, 1338, 1343, 1350, 1351, 1353, 1354, 1355, 1358, 1359, 1362, 1366
Ezther 1284
Hester 1343, 1344
רתסא (Esther) 1362
A diminutive of Esther. The same woman is called Ester, Hester, Estreilla, and Estrella.
Estreilla 1342
Estrella 1341
Fadueyna c. 1260
Fadueynna 1342
Faz Buena
Faz Buena 1294, 1352, 1353
הניאוב תא'פ (Fat Buena) 1467
הנובת'פ (Fatbona) 1324
'shapely, pretty'; Latin formosa, modern Spanish hermosa
Fermosa 1285, 1343, 1366
Gaia 1341
Gaya 1334
'gentle' (as in "of gentle birth")
Gentil 1341, 1351, c.1362, 1366
Gentile 1350 (Latin ablative)
biblical (Esther 2:7)
הסדה (Hadassah) 1476
biblical (1 Samuel 1:2); in Hebrew Chana
Ayna 1350
Aynna 1306
Hania 1366
Hanna 1321
Hannya 1322
Honnor 1354
Honor 1351, 1354
Hude c.1362
Arabic, 'beautiful'
Iamila 1300
Jamila 1290, 1319, 1320, 1335, 1345, 1350, 1351, 1352, 1358, 1359, c.1362, 1366
Jamile 1334 (Latin dative)
Jamilla c.1260, 1322, 1329, 1332, 1338, 1339, 1341, 1342, 1345, 1346, 1351, 1353, 1361, c.1362, 1363, 1366
Jamyla 1339
Jamylle 1338 (Latin genitive)
Jemila 1347
Yanilla 1333
הלימ'ג (Jamilah) 1309, c.1360, 1362
Ultimately from Latin laetitia, 'joy.' Cf. Simcha.
Lediçia 1318
Liqua 1339
Luna 1353
These names derive ultimately from the Greek word for pearl, margarites or margellion. It was adopted into Rabbinic Hebrew in the form margalit. The short form margal appears in the works of Avraham ibn Ezra (12th century).
Mangelina 1312 (may be a misreading of Margelina)
Margal c.1362
Margelina c.1362, 1366
Margellina 1366
Margenure c.1368 (May be a misreading of Margerine. She is also called Margerina. This name appeared in a French-language document.)
Margerina 1369
תילגרמ (Margalit) 1362
Marina 1337
diminutive of madre 'mother'
Matieylla 1333
Matilla 1350
Matrieylla 1358
Matrilla 1347
Latin 'matron, lady'; a woman with this name is mentioned in the Talmud. Possibly also a diminutive of madre; cf. Matrilla.
Matrona 1328, 1343
Maya 1357
Mayna 1357
possibly from the Hebrew mazal tov, 'good fortune.' Cf. Astruga, Bonastruga.
Mazalca 1364
Mazalco 1364
Mazalta 1369
Mazelta 1369
Mima 1314
Mina 1343
May be intended as vernacular form of Miriam
Mira 1336, 1337, 1338, 1341, 1343, 1353, 1355, 1357, c.1362, 1367
Miram 1336 (Latin accusative)
ארימ (Mira) c.1360
הרימ (Mirah) 1362
biblical (Exodus 15:20)
Mariam 1336
Marian 1312, 1361
Marien 1366
Meriam 1375
Merian 1369
Meriyan 1375
Meryam 1375
Meryan 1375, 1381
Miria 1340
Miriam 1339
Mirian 1335
Mirien 1285
םירמ (Miriam) 1362
Mita 1340
Olecta 1334
Horo 1353
Oro 1307, 1336, 1342, 1345, 1346, c.1362
Oru 1328, 1347, 1350, 1358, 1361
ורוא (Oro) 1362
compound of Oro and Cara
Orucara 1342
bilingual compound of Oro and Ceti
Horoceti 1343, 1359
Horoçeti 1335
Hurruçeti 1366
Huruçeti 1364
Orceti 1319
Oroceti 1319, 1328, 1330, 1334, 1340
Oroçen 1341 (may be a misreading of Oroçeti; she is also called Oroceti.)
Oroçeti 1304, 1329, 1337, 1343, 1361, c.1362, 1366
Vreçeti 1366
יתיאס ורוא (Oro Ceiti) 1362
יתאס ורוא (Oro Ceti) 1362
יתאיס ורוא (Oro Cieti) 1362
יתיס ורוא (Oro Ceti) 1362
יתס ורוא (Oro Ceti) c.1325
יתאסורוא (Oroceti) 1408
יתיאיסורוא (Orocieiti) 1362
יתיסורוא (Oroceti) 1362
compound of Oro and Dueynna
Horudueynna 1358
Oraduena 1367
Oradueynna 1311
Oraduynna 1300
Orduna 1314
Oridueynna 1334
Orodoyna 1366
Orodueyna 1284, 1305
Orodueynna 1284, 1306, 1330, 1362, 1363, 1366
Orudueynna 1348, 1351, 1362, 1366
אייניאודורוא (Orodueyniya) 1362
compound of Oro and Madre 'mother'
Oromadre 1318
Oromatri 1343
ירטמ ורוא (Oro Matre) c.1360, 1362
compound of Oro and Sol
Brosal 1337
Horosol 1335
Hurussol 1356
Oro Sol 1383
Orosellis 1340 (Latin genitive)
Orosol 1329, 1334, 1336, 1337, 1338, 1339, 1351, c.1362, 1366
Orossol 1334
Orusol 1350, 1351, 1358
Orussol 1329
Orusul 1351
Urosol 1352
Urusol 1340, 1342, 1379
Vrusol 1362
לוש ורוא (Oro Sol) 1362
לושורוא (Orosol) 1362
compound of Oro and Vida
Orovida 1284
Orovido 1284
Orouita 1336, 1366
Orovita 1284, 1290
Orubita 1352
הטיב ורוא [Oro Vita] 1323
may be a compound of Oro and Acha
Ornach 1351, 1353
Ornache 1351
Ornanchi 1354
Oruach 1351
may be a compound of Oro and Acli
Hurnaqli 1350
possibly a diminutive of Oromadre
Orumatillera 1351
'maiden, girl'
Poncella 1341
Puella 1339 (Latin)
Puncela 1334
Puncella 1345
Precia 1314
השוייזירפ (Preziosa) 1443
השוייסירפ (Preciosa) 1443
Latin, 'beautiful.' The same woman is called Pulcra and Bellida in different documents.
Pulcra 1340
biblical (Genesis 29:6)
Rael 1342
לחר (Rachel) 1476
biblical (Genesis 24:15); in Hebrew Rivkah
Rebeca 1362
probably a diminutive of some other name; cf. Estreilla, Matrieylla
Reyllitieylla 1341
Reyna 1294, 1328, 1337, 1345, 1351, 1362, 1364, 1366
Reynna 1366
הניאר (Reyna) 1362
biblical (Genesis 17:15)
Cara 1353 (probably an error for Çara; her name also appears as Çarra and Sarra)
Çara 1337, 1341, 1343
Çarra 1350, 1351
Sara 1340, 1342
Sarra 1325, 1339, 1340, 1344, 1350, 1351
Sora 1362
may be a variant of Ceti
Sechi 1352
Sol 1173, 1284, 1285, 1309, 1319, 1328, 1342, 1353, 1365
compound of Sol and Bella
אייליבלוש (Solbeliya) 1486
compound of Sol and Bellida, or diminutive of Solbella
Soibeillida 1361
Sol Bellida 1363
Solbeillita 1351
Solbellida 1362
Solbeynflita 1312
Soluellida 1363
Soluillida 1362
Solvellida 1377
Solveyllida 1294
Sorbeillita 1353, 1362
Sorbellida 1341, 1343, 1354
Sorbellita 1343
Sorbeyllida 1321, 1338, 1364
Sorueyllita 1329
הטילבלוש (Solbelita) c.1325
possibly a diminutive of Sol
Soleina 1362
possibly a diminutive of Sol
Soli 1305, 1306, 1322, 1345, 1351
ילוש (Soli) 1300
compound of Sol and Oro
Saloro 1366
Saloru 1330, 1366
Solloru 1379
Solora 1330
Soloris 1321 (Latin genitive)
Soloro 1290, 1294, 1318, 1334, 1358, 1361, 1362
Soloru 1318, 1336, 1345, 1350, 1352, 1360, 1366, 1368, 1383
ורוא לוש (Sol Oro) 1362
ורואלוש (Soloro) 1362
ורולוש (Soloro) 1362
probably a diminutive of some other name
Tellita 1332
biblical (Exodus 2:21)
Cipiora 1336
Cypore 1336 (Latin genitive)
Çapoiam 1336 (Latin accusative. May be an error for Çapora(m).)
Uida 1340
Vida 1367
apparently a compound of Vida and Mira
Vidamira 1369
Uiuam 1333 (Latin accusative)
possibly the biblical name Yerusha (2 Kings 15:33)
Jenusa 1335 (May be a misreading of Jerusa. She is also called Yerussa.)
Yerussa 1336
biblical (Exodus 6:20)
תבכוי (Yochevet) 1476