Nickname | Type | Meaning |
al-`Āfiya | descriptive | the strong? |
al-A`raj | descriptive | the lame |
al-Abjar | descriptive | big-bellied |
al-Aḥdab | descriptive | hunchback |
al-Ash`ab | descriptive | broad in the shoulders |
al-Azraq | descriptive | blue-eyed |
al-Ḍarīr | descriptive | the blind |
al-Gaffār | descriptive | the absolver |
al-Gafūr | descriptive | “the discoverer” |
al-Ganī | descriptive | “the self-sufficient” |
al-Gazāl | descriptive | young gazelle |
al-Ḥafīd | descriptive | grandson, offspring |
al-Ḥafiẓ | descriptive | one who has memorized the Qu’ran |
al-Jadd | descriptive | prosperous, fortunate, lucky |
al-Jalāl | descriptive | the majestic |
al-Jamīl | descriptive | beautiful, elegant |
al-Jurz | descriptive | “la masa” for his great physical strength |
al-Kafīf | descriptive | the blind |
al-Marīḍ | descriptive | the sick person, the invalid |
al-Mufassir | descriptive | the explainer, the exegete |
al-Muḥibb | descriptive | the lover |
al-Muntaṣir | descriptive | conquerer (may only be used by rulers) |
al-Musaffir | descriptive | traveller |
al-Mu'taḍid | descriptive | the supporter |
al-Mutakallim | descriptive | the speaker |
al-Naṣr | descriptive | the victorious |
al-Rashīd | descriptive | the pious |
al-Ruqay`a | descriptive | may be descriptive, “the slip of paper” |
al-Ṣagīr | descriptive | the small |
al-Ṣannā` | descriptive | skillful, artist |
al-Ṣiddīq | descriptive | truthful (probably limited in use) |
al-Ṣugayyir | descriptive | the very small |
al-Shāhid | descriptive | the martyr |
al-Ṭawīl | descriptive | tall |
al-Ṭayyib | descriptive | good-natured |
al-Thagrī | descriptive | frontiersman |
al-Ummī | descriptive | derived from Umma, the Islamic community |
al-Uṣūlī | descriptive | knowing the fundamentals of legal doctrine |
al-Zāhid | descriptive | ascetic |
al-Badawī | ethnic | the Bedouin |
al-Rūmī | ethnic | the European |
al-Turaykī | ethnic | the little Turk |
al-Turkī | ethnic | the Turk |
al-Turkumānī | ethnic | Turkoman |
al-`Abbādī | family | descendant of `Abbād |
al-`Abbāsī | family | descendant of `Abbās |
al-`Abdūsī | family | descendant of `Abdūs |
al-`Āmirī | family | descendant of `Āmir (a given name, not Āmir) |
al-`Ammārī | family | descendant of `Ammār |
al-`Aṣimī | family | descendant of `Aṣim |
al-`Awfī | family | descendant of `Awf |
al-`Ikrimī | family | descendant of a man named `Ikrima |
al-`Īsī | family | descendant of a man named `Īsa |
al-`Iyāḍī | family | descendant of `Iyāḍ |
al-`Umarī | family | descendant of `Umar |
al-`Uqaylī | family | descendant of `Uqayl |
al-`Utbī | family | descendant of `Utba |
al-`Uthmānī | family | descendant of `Uthmān |
al-Abūdharī | family | descendant of Abū Dhar(r) |
al-Aslamī | family | descendant of Aslam |
al-Awzālī ī | family | descendant of Awzāl |
al-Bakrī | family | descendant of Bakr |
al-Bārūnī | family | descendant of Bārūn |
al-Dāwūdī | family | descendant of Dāwūd |
al-Farāwaṣnī | family | of the Farāwaṣan family |
al-Fāzāzī | family | of the Fāzāz family |
al-Fihrī | family | of the Fihr family |
al-Ḥafṣī | family | descendant of Ḥafṣ |
al-Ḥasanī | family | descendant of Ḥasan |
al-Ḥimmānī | family | of the Ḥimmān family |
al-Ḥujrī | family | descendant of Ḥujr |
al-Ḥumaydī | family | descendant of Ḥumayd (diminutive of Ḥamad) |
al-Ḥusaynī | family | descendant of Ḥusayn |
al-Hamdānī | family | descendant of Hamdān |
al-Hārūnī | family | descendant of Hārūn |
al-Hāshimī | family | descendant of Hāshim |
al-Hunaynī | family | descendant of Hunayn |
al-Idrīsī | family | descendant of Idrīs |
al-Ifrānī | family | of the Ifrān family |
al-Iyādī | family | of the Iyād family |
al-Izlītanī | family | descendant of Izlītan |
al-Iznāsnī | family | of the Iznāsan family |
al-Jādīrī | family | descendant of Jādīr |
al-Jahḍamī | family | of the Jahḍam family |
al-Jath`amī | family | of the Jath`am tribe |
al-Jidrī | family | may be error for al-Jidrī (descendant of Jiḍr) |
al-Kalbī | family | descendant of Kalb ibn Wabarah |
al-Kilābī | family | descendant of Kilāb |
al-Kilbī | family | variant of al-Kalbī |
al-Kinānī | family | descendant of Kinānah (an ancestor of Muḥammad) |
al-Labīdī | family | descendant of Labīd, a contemporary of Muḥammad |
al-Madhḥijī | family | of the Madhḥij family |
al-Majzūmī | family | descendant of the Majzūm family |
al-Marwānī | family | descendant of Marwān |
al-Muḥammadī | family | descendant of a man named Muḥammad |
al-Muslimī | family | descendant of Muslim |
al-Mustaẓhirī | family | descendant of al-Mustaẓhir |
al-Na`mānī | family | descendat of Na`mān |
al-Naḥrīrī | family | descendant of Naḥrīr |
al-Najjārī | family | descendant of the carpenter |
al-Namarī | family | descendant of the Namar family |
al-Naṣrī | family | descendant of Naṣr |
al-Numayrī | family | of the Numayr family |
al-Nuwayrī | family | descendant of Nuwayra |
al-Qaṣṣārī | family | descendant of the fuller |
al-Qaynī | family | from the al-Qayn family |
al-Qaysī | family | descendant of Qays |
al-Rabī`ī | family | descendant of a man named al-Rabī` |
al-Rāshidī | family | descendant of Rāshid |
al-Ruwaynī | family | descendant of Ruwayn |
al-Ṣadīqī | family | descendant of the truthful one |
al-Ṣafrāwī | family | descendant of someone bynamed al-Ṣafrā’ (the yellow woman) |
al-Ṣulṭānī | family | descendant of the sultan |
al-Sa`dī | family | descendant of Sa`d |
al-Sa`īdī | family | descendant of Sa`īd |
al-Sabā´ī | family | descendant of Ibn al-Sabā’ (an early Shia) |
al-Salmānī | family | descendant of Salmān |
al-Shabībī | family | descendant of Sabīb |
al-Sharīf | family | descendant of the prophet |
al-Sinbāṭī | family | descendant of Sinbāṭ |
al-Sufyānī | family | descended from Sufyān |
al-Ṭarīfī | family | descendant of Ṭarīf |
al-Tajībī | family | descendant of Tujīb or Tajīb |
al-Tālūtī | family | descendant of Tālūt or Ṭālūt |
al-Tamīmī | family | descendant of Tamīm |
al-Tha`labī | family | of the Tha`lab family |
al-Tujībī | family | descendant of Tujīb or Tajīb |
al-Ubbī | family | descendant of Ubba |
al-Umawī | family | descendant of Umayya |
al-Usaydī | family | descendant of Usayd (diṃ of Asad) |
al-Walīdī | family | descendant of Walīd |
al-Wāṣilī | family | descendant or follower of Wāṣil |
al-Wazīrī | family | descendant of Wazīr |
al-Yaḥṣubī | family | from the Yaḥṣub family (Yemen) |
al-Zayyātī | family | descendant of the maker of olive oil |
al-Zubayrī | family | descendant of Zubayr |
al-`Āmilī | locative | from Jabal `Āmil (Lebanon) |
al-`Amrānī | locative | from `Amrān (Yemen) |
al-`Annābī | locative | from `Annāba (Algeria) |
al-`Arajī | locative | from al-`Arj (near Mecca) |
al-`Arjī | locative | from al-`Arj (near Mecca) |
al-`Asqalānī | locative | from Asquerosa |
al-`Umānī | locative | from Oman |
al-`Uqlīshī | locative | from Uclés |
al-Abharī | locative | from Abhar, Persia |
al-Ābilī | locative | from Avila |
al-Abīwardī | locative | from Abīward, near Khorasan |
al-Ablī | locative | from Abla |
al-Abyārī | locative | from Abyār (many places, means “the wells”) |
al-Aḥmaḍwal | locative | may be mistake for locative al-Aḥmaḍwalī |
al-Ājimī | locative | from Ājim |
al-Altā'ī | locative | from Altea |
al-Āmidī | locative | from Āmid (Turkey or Iraq) |
al-Andalusī | locative | from al-Andalus |
al-Andūsharī | locative | from Andújar |
al-Anṣamunī | locative | from Anṣamun |
al-Anṭalīshī | locative | from Anṭalīsh |
al-Antaqīrī | locative | from Antequera |
al-Arḍīṭī | locative | from Ardite |
al-Arjūnī | locative | from Arjona |
al-Aṣīlī | locative | from Aṣīla |
al-Aswānī | locative | from Aswan, Egypt |
al-Awlabī | locative | from Huelva |
al-Awrabī | locative | from Awraba |
al-Bagdādī | locative | from Baghdad |
al-Bājī | locative | from Beja |
al-Balafīqī | locative | from Velefique |
al-Balagī | locative | from Balaguer |
al-Balansī | locative | from Valencia |
al-Balawī | locative | from Balī (near Cordoba) |
al-Baldī | locative | from Belda |
al-Baljī | locative | from Balj (Afghanistan) |
al-Ballashī | locative | from Velez |
al-Barbushtarī | locative | from Barbastro |
al-Barmakī | locative | from Barmak (an Indian placename) |
al-Baṣrī | locative | from Basra |
al-Bashtannī | locative | from Bashtann |
al-Baṭalyawsī | locative | from Badajoz |
al-Baṭṭiwī | locative | from Baṭṭiwa |
al-Bawzūzī | locative | from Bawzūz |
al-Bayḍāwī | locative | from Bayḍā (Persia) |
al-Bayrānī | locative | from Bairén |
al-Bayyānī | locative | from Baena |
al-Bayyāsī | locative | from Baeza |
al-Binnī | locative | from Binna |
al-Bizilyānī | locative | from Bizmiliana |
al-Bujārī | locative | from Bujāra (Uzbekistan) |
al-Buntī | locative | from Alpuente |
al-Būṣīrī | locative | from Būṣīr |
al-Būshī | locative | from Būsh (Egypt) |
al-Bushkalārī | locative | from Pezcolar |
al-Butrī | locative | from al-Butr |
al-Dalā'ī | locative | from Dalias |
al-Damāminī | locative | from Damāmin (or al-Damāmīn) |
al-Damīrī | locative | from Damīra |
al-Dānī | locative | from Denia |
al-Dar`ī | locative | place in Morocco |
al-Darūqī | locative | from Daroca |
al-Dawraqī | locative | from Daroca |
al-Daylamī | locative | from Daylam (in Iran) |
al-Dimashqī | locative | from Damascus |
al-Dīnawarī | locative | from Dīnawar |
al-Falīshī | locative | from Flix |
al-Fārisī | locative | from Persia |
al-Fāsī | locative | from Fez |
al-Firyābī | locative | from Firyāb (Afghanistan) |
al-Fīshī | locative | from Fīsha |
al-Furgulīṭī | locative | from Furgulīṭ |
al-Gadāmisī | locative | Gadāmis, Libya |
al-Gāfiqī | locative | from Gāfiq (modern Benalcazar) |
al-Garnāṭī | locative | from Granada |
al-Gazālī | locative | from Gazāl (Iran) |
al-Ḥaḍramī | locative | from Hadramawt (Yemen) |
al-Ḥajarī | locative | from Canjayar |
al-Ḥalabī | locative | from Aleppo |
al-Ḥalfāwī | locative | from Ḥalfā (maybe in the Sudan) |
al-Ḥamawī | locative | from Hama (Syria) |
al-Ḥarāllī | locative | from Ḥarālla |
al-Ḥawḍī | locative | from al-Ḥawḍ (near Almeria) |
al-Ḥijārī | locative | from Guadalajara |
al-Ḥimṣī | locative | from Ḥimṣ (modern Emesa), Syria |
al-Ḥimyarī | locative | from Ḥimyar (Arabia) |
al-Ḥulwānī | locative | from Ḥulwān (Egypt) |
al-Hajarī | locative | from Canjayar |
al-Hamadhanī | locative | from Hamadhan (Persia) |
al-Hawwārī | locative | from Hawwār or al-Hawwārī (Libya) |
al-Hijarī | locative | from Guadalara (?) |
al-Ifrīqī | locative | from Africa |
al-Ilbīrī | locative | from Elvira |
al-Irbilī | locative | from Arbela |
al-Iṣbahānī | locative | from Isabahan (Persia) |
al-Ishbīlī | locative | from Sevilla |
al-Ishkarbī | locative | from Ishkarb |
al-Iskandarī | locative | from Alexandria |
al-Istijī | locative | from Ecija |
al-Jabalī | locative | from al-Jabal |
al-Jalūdī | locative | from Jalūd, north Africa |
al-Jalūlī | locative | from Jalūlā`, north Africa |
al-Jawandī | locative | from Jawand (Afghanistan) |
al-Jawlānī | locative | from Jawlān (Syria) |
al-Jayyānī | locative | from Jaen |
al-Jazā'irī | locative | from Algeria |
al-Jazarī | locative | from Algeciras |
al-Jazīrī | locative | from Algeciras |
al-Jillīqī | locative | from Jillīqiya |
al-Jinjīlī | locative | from Chinchilla |
al-Jinjiyālī | locative | from Chinchilla |
al-Jīzī | locative | from Gizeh, Egypt |
al-Julūlī | locative | from Jalūlā`, north Africa |
al-Kalābādhī | locative | from Kalābādh, near Bukhara |
al-Karamānī | locative | from Karmān |
al-Karmānī | locative | from Karmān |
al-Kashkīnānī | locative | from Kashkīnān |
al-Kirmānī | locative | from Kirmān (Persia) |
al-Kuznī | locative | from Kuzna |
al-Labābī | locative | from Labata |
al-Lamāyī | locative | from Lamāya |
al-Lamṭī | locative | from Lamṭa (North Africa) |
al-Laqanṭī | locative | from Alicante |
al-Lāridī | locative | from Lérida |
al-Lirī | locative | from Liria |
al-Lurqī | locative | from Lorca |
al-Lurtī | locative | from Lurt |
al-Ma`qilī | locative | from Nahr al-Ma`qil (in Basra, Iraq) |
al-Madanī | locative | from Medina |
al-Madīnī | locative | from a place Medinat X (near Cordoba) |
al-Magāmī | locative | from Magán |
al-Magrāwī | locative | from Almagro |
al-Magribī | locative | from the Magreb |
al-Maḥallī | locative | from al-Maḥalla, Egypt |
al-Makkī | locative | from Mecca |
al-Mālaqī | locative | from Málaga |
al-Māliṭī | locative | from Māliṭa |
al-Mallāḥī | locative | from Mala |
al-Manārī | locative | from Almenar |
al-Manfalūṭī | locative | from Manfalūṭ (Egypt) |
al-Manūfī | locative | from Manūf |
al-Maqqarī | locative | from Maqqara (North Africa) |
al-Marāgī | locative | from al-Marāga (Azerbajan) |
al-Marī | locative | from Almeria |
al-Marrākushī | locative | from Marrakech, Morocco |
al-Marwazī | locative | from Marwaz (modern Merv) |
al-Masīlī | locative | from al-Masīla |
al-Maṭmāṭī | locative | from Maṭmāṭa (Tunisia) |
al-Mawṣilī | locative | from Mawṣil (Mosul) |
al-Mayūrqī | locative | from Mallorca |
al-Māzarī | locative | from Māzara (Sicily) |
al-Māzūnī | locative | from Māzūn (Algeria) |
al-Miṣrī | locative | from Misr (Cairo) |
al-Munastīrī | locative | from al-Munastīr (Tunisia) |
al-Mundhirī | locative | from the al-Mundhiriyya region (Yemen) |
al-Muntajīlī | locative | from Muntjīl |
al-Muntijīlī | locative | from Muntjīl |
al-Muntīshī | locative | from Mentesa |
al-Munyī | locative | from Munyat `Ajab |
al-Muqaddasī | locative | from Maqdis or Muqaqddas (Jerusalem) |
al-Murbayṭarī | locative | from Morviedro |
al-Mūrī | locative | from Mora |
al-Murkayshī | locative | from Murkaysh |
al-Mursī | locative | from Murcia |
al-Nabātī | locative | a non-Arabic people of Iraq |
al-Nābulusī | locative | from Nāblus |
al-Nafzī | locative | from Nafza (or of the Nafza tribe) |
al-Nawawī | locative | from Nawa (Syria) |
al-Nīlī | locative | from the Nile |
al-Nīsābūrī | locative | from Nīsābūr (Iran) |
al-Qabrī | locative | from Cabra |
al-Qādisī | locative | from Cadiz |
al-Qafṣī | locative | from Qafsa, Tunisia |
al-Qāhirī | locative | from Cairo |
al-Qal`ī | locative | from a place called Qal`at X (like Calatayud) |
al-Qalawsī | locative | from Qalawas (Syria) |
al-Qaltāwī | locative | from Qaltā |
al-Qanbī | locative | from Qanba |
al-Qarabāqī | locative | from Caravaca |
al-Qarāfī | locative | from al-Qarāfa, near Cairo |
al-Qarmūnī | locative | from Carmona |
al-Qaṣrī | locative | from Qaṣr Kutāma |
al-Qashbī | locative | from Caspe |
al-Qasṭallānī | locative | from Castilla |
al-Qasṭallī | locative | from Cazalilla |
al-Qaṭīnī | locative | from Qaṭīna |
al-Qawrī | locative | from Coria |
al-Qayrawānī | locative | from al-Qayrawān, Tunisia |
al-Qayshāṭī | locative | from Quesada |
al-Qazwīnī | locative | from Qazwīn (Iran) |
al-Qubbashī | locative | from Qubbash (Syria) |
al-Qudsī | locative | from Jerusalem |
al-Qūnkī | locative | from Cuenca |
al-Qurashī | locative | from Quraysh |
al-Qurṭubī | locative | from Córdoba (Qurṭub) |
al-Qusanṭānī | locative | from Cocentaina |
al-Qusanṭīnī | locative | from Constantinople |
al-Ramādī | locative | from Ramāda |
al-Rāzī | locative | from Rayy (Iran) |
al-Riklī | locative | from Ricla |
al-Riqūṭī | locative | from Riqūṭ (Ricote) |
al-Rukānī | locative | from Requena |
al-Rundī | locative | from Ronda |
al-Ruṣāfī | locative | from Ruṣāfa de Cordoba |
al-Ṣafadī | locative | from Ṣafad (Syria) |
al-Ṣafāqusī | locative | from Ṣafāqus (Sfax, Tunisia) |
al-Ṣajrī | locative | from Ṣajrat Ḥaway |
al-Ṣanḥāyī | locative | from Ṣanhāja, West Africa |
al-Ṣanhājī | locative | from Ṣanhāja, West Africa |
al-Ṣiqillī | locative | from Sicily |
al-Sabtī | locative | from Ceuta |
al-Safāqusī | locative | from Ṣafāqus; also appears as al-Ṣafāqusī |
al-Sāḥilī | locative | from the coast (or a place called Sāḥil) |
al-Sahlī | locative | from al-Sahla |
al-Salāwī | locative | from Salā (north Africa) |
al-Santamarī | locative | from Santamaría |
al-Saraqusṭī | locative | from Zaragoza |
al-Shādhilī | locative | from Shādhila (Tunisia) |
al-Shadhūnī | locative | from Shadhūna (Sidonia) |
al-Shahrazūrī | locative | from Shahrazūr (in Iraqi Kurdistan) |
al-Shalūbīnī | locative | from Salobreña |
al-Shalūnī | locative | from Jalón |
al-Shantarīnī | locative | from Shantarīn (Santarem) |
al-Shaqabānī | locative | from Secavem |
al-Shaqūrī | locative | from Segura |
al-Sharafī | locative | from Aljarafe |
al-Shāriqī | locative | from Jérica |
al-Shāshī | locative | from Shāsh (Tashkent) |
al-Shāṭibī | locative | from Játiva |
al-Shaybānī | locative | from Calanda |
al-Shilbī | locative | from Silves |
al-Shīrāzī | locative | from al-Shīrāz (Iran) |
al-Shubrubī | locative | from Segorbe |
al-Shumuntānī | locative | from Somontán |
al-Shuriyyūnī | locative | from Shuriyyūn |
al-Shushtarī | locative | from Sushtar |
al-Sibtī | locative | from Ceuta |
al-Sijilmāsī | locative | from Sijilmāsa, Morocco |
al-Suhaylī | locative | from Suhayl (modern Fuengirola) |
al-Surittī | locative | from Zorita |
al-Surnī | locative | from Surna |
al-Sūsī | locative | from Sūsa |
al-Ṭabīrī | locative | from Tavira |
al-Ṭābithī | locative | from Tavira |
al-Ṭahāwī | locative | from Ṭahā (Egypt) |
al-Ṭalamankī | locative | from Talamanca |
al-Ṭalyāṭī | locative | from Toledo |
al-Ṭanjī | locative | from Ṭanja (Tangiers) |
al-Ṭarābulusī | locative | from Ṭarābulus (Tripoli, Lebanon) |
al-Ṭarasūnī | locative | from al-Ṭarasūna (Tarazona) |
al-Ṭaryānī | locative | from Ṭaryāna (Triana) |
al-Ṭignarī | locative | from al-Ṭignar |
al-Ṭubnī | locative | from Ṭubna |
al-Ṭulayṭulī | locative | from Ṭulayṭula (Toledo) |
al-Ṭurṭushī | locative | from Ṭurṭusha (Tortosa) |
al-Ṭūsī | locative | from al-Ṭūsa (Persia) |
al-Ṭūṭāliqī | locative | from Totálica |
al-Ṭuṭīlī | locative | from Tudela |
al-Tādilī | locative | from Tadla |
al-Tājūrī | locative | from Tājūra (Libya) |
al-Takrūrī | locative | from Takrūr (Sahel) |
al-Tākurunnī | locative | from Tākurunna |
al-Tamagrūtī | locative | from Tamagrūt (Morocco) |
al-Tanasī | locative | from Tenes (Algeria) |
al-Tarrāsī | locative | from Tarrasa |
al-Tawazī | locative | from Tawwaz |
al-Tawwazī | locative | from Tawwaz |
al-Tāzī | locative | from Tāza (Morocco) |
al-Tilimsānī | locative | from Tilimsān, Algeria |
al-Tinbuktī | locative | from Timbuktu |
al-Tudmīrī | locative | from Tudmīr |
al-Tujunī | locative | from Tajuña |
al-Tūnisī | locative | from Tunis |
al-Tustarī | locative | from Tustar, Iran |
al-Ubbadī | locative | from Ubeda |
al-Udfuwī | locative | from Udfu |
al-Undī | locative | from Onda |
al-Uqlīshī | locative | from Uclés |
al-Ūriyūlī | locative | from Orihuela |
al-Uryūlī | locative | from Orihuela |
al-Ushbūnī | locative | al-Ushbūn (Lisbon) |
al-Ushūqī | locative | from Osuna |
al-Wahrānī | locative | from Wahrān (Algeria) |
al-Wansharīshī | locative | from Wansharīsh (North Africa) |
al-Waqashī | locative | from Huecas |
al-Washqī | locative | from Huesca |
al-Yābisī | locative | from Ibiza |
al-Yāburī | locative | from Évora |
al-Yamanī | locative | from Yemen |
al-Yanashtī | locative | from Iniesta |
al-Zafrī | locative | from Zafra (near Badajoz) |
al-Zaharī | locative | from Medina Azahara |
al-Zahrāwī | locative | from al-Zahrā’ (near Cordoba) |
al-Zajājilī | locative | from Zajājila (Cordoba) |
al-Zajjā`lī | locative | from Zajājila (Cordoba) |
al-Zanātī | locative | from Zanāta |
al-Zanqī | locative | from Zanq |
al-`Ashshāb | occupational | the herbalist |
al-`Assāl | occupational | honey-seller |
al-`Aṭṭār | occupational | perfumer |
al-`Ulamī | occupational | mullah |
al-Bannā' | occupational | builder, architect, mason |
al-Baqqāl | occupational | grocer |
al-Bayṭar | occupational | veterinarian, farrier |
al-Bazzāz | occupational | clothier |
al-Burnusī | occupational | maker of headgear |
al-Dabbāg | occupational | tanner |
al-Dahhān | occupational | seller of hair oil |
al-Dallāl | occupational | broker |
al-Dhāri` | occupational | measurer (of land) |
al-Fajjār | occupational | potter |
al-Faqīh | occupational | jurist, legal professional |
al-Faraḍī | occupational | the partitioner (of goods among heirs) |
al-Ḥabbāk | occupational | weaver |
al-Ḥabbāl | occupational | maker of ropes |
al-Ḥaddād | occupational | blacksmith |
al-Ḥaffār | occupational | gravedigger |
al-Ḥarīrī | occupational | silk merchant |
al-Ḥaṣṣār | occupational | mat maker |
al-Harawī | occupational | cloth seller |
al-Imām | occupational | the imam, prayer leader |
al-Jallāb | occupational | trader |
al-Jannān | occupational | gardener |
al-Jarrār | occupational | potter |
al-Jawharī | occupational | jeweler, seller of precious stones |
al-Julūdī | occupational | furrier, tanner |
al-Jundī | occupational | soldier |
al-Kammād | occupational | presser (may refer to clothing or to juice) |
al-Karabīsī | occupational | seller of coarse cloth |
al-Kātib | occupational | scribe, government minister |
al-Kattānī | occupational | dealer in flax/linen |
al-Mu`allim | occupational | teacher |
al-Mujāhid | occupational | warrior, jihadist |
al-Muqri´ | occupational | teacher of Quran |
al-Muwaththiq | occupational | notary |
al-Naḥḥās | occupational | seller of brass vessels |
al-Naḥwī | occupational | grammar teacher, tutor |
al-Najjār | occupational | carpenter |
al-Qāḍī | occupational | magistrate, judge |
al-Qalānisī | occupational | maker of cloth caps |
al-Qammāḥ | occupational | the wheat merchant |
al-Qaṣṣār | occupational | fuller |
al-Qaṭṭān | occupational | seller of cotton |
al-Rā`ī | occupational | shepherd |
al-Rammāḥ | occupational | lance maker |
al-Rashshash | occupational | sprinkler of water (to keep dust down?) |
al-Ṣabbāgh | occupational | garment dyer |
al-Ṣadafī | occupational | seller of mother of pearl |
al-Ṣaffār | occupational | coppersmith |
al-Ṣa'igh | occupational | goldsmith |
al-Ṣayrafī | occupational | money changer |
al-Sakkāk | occupational | knife maker |
al-Sarrāj | occupational | seller of saddles |
al-Shammā` | occupational | the wax producer |
al-Shurūṭī | occupational | a type of legal specialist in contract law |
al-Ṭarrāz | occupational | probably al-Tarraz – carrier of grain |
al-Tammār | occupational | date seller |
al-Wādī | occupational | holy man (literally “friend of God”) |
al-Wazzān | occupational | weigher |
al-Zajjājī | occupational | glassmaker |
al-Zaqqāq | occupational | maker of wineskins |
al-Zayyāt | occupational | maker of olive oil |
al-Ash`arī | religious | follower of the al-Ash`arī theological school |
al-Ḥājj | religious | one who has been on the hajj |
al-Ḥanafī | religious | a follower of the Ḥanafī legal school |
al-Mahdawī | religious | followers of the Mahdī |
al-Mālikī | religious | a follower of the Mālikī legal school |
al-Mu`taziliī | religious | follower of the Mu`tazila theological school |
al-Shāfi`ī | religious | follower of the Shāfi`ī legal tradition |
al-`Abasī | tribal | from the tribes of Gaṭafān, Murād and Azḍ |
al-`Abdarī | tribal | of the Abduddar tribe |
al-`Absī | tribal | from the tribes of Gaṭafān, Murād and Azḍ |
al-`Anasī | tribal | from the "qaḥṭāní de Madhḥij" tribe (Yemen) |
al-`Ansī | tribal | from the "qaḥṭāní de Madhḥij" tribe (Yemen) |
al-Anṣārī | tribal | early converts in Medina |
al-Aṣbaḥī | tribal | of the Aṣbaḥ tribe |
al-Awsī | tribal | from the Aws tribe |
al-Azdī | tribal | from the Azḍ tribe |
al-Bāhilī | tribal | from the Bāhila tribe |
al-Dukkālī | tribal | member of the Dukkāla tribe (Morocco) |
al-Gassānī | tribal | member of the Gassān tribe |
al-Ḥarīshī | tribal | of the Ḥarīsh tribe (tribe of the Banī `Āmir |
al-Haskūrī | tribal | member of the Haskūra tribe (Berber) |
al-Hintātī | tribal | member of the Hintāta tribe |
al-Hizmīrī | tribal | error for Hizmīrī (member of the Ḥizmīr tribe) |
al-Jazrajī | tribal | of the Jazraj tribe (Arabia) |
al-Jazūlī | tribal | of the Jazūla tribe (Berber, Morocco) |
al-Juḍāmī | tribal | of the Juḍām tribe |
al-Judhāmī | tribal | of the Judhām tribe |
al-Juhanī | tribal | of the Jahina tribe |
al-Kalā`ī | tribal | from the al-Kalā` tribe |
al-Kilā`ī | tribal | from the al-Kalā` tribe |
al-Kindī | tribal | belonging to the Kindah tribe |
al-Kutāmī | tribal | of the Kutāma tribe |
al-Lajamī | tribal | of the Lajm tribe |
al-Lajmī | tribal | of the Lajm tribe |
al-Lawātī | tribal | perhaps from the Lu’ayy family (Oman) |
al-Laythī | tribal | of the Layth tribe (Arabia) |
al-Ma`āfirī | tribal | of the Ma`āfir tribe |
al-Madyūnī | tribal | of the al-Madyūna tribe |
al-Magīlī | tribal | of the Magīla tribe (Berber) |
al-Maṣmūdī | tribal | of the Maṣmūd tribe |
al-Masūfī | tribal | of the Masūfa tribe |
al-Miknāsī | tribal | of the Miknāsa tribe (from Algeria) |
al-Mu`āfirī | tribal | of the Ma`āfir tribe |
al-Muḥāribī | tribal | of the Muḥārib clan |
al-Naj`ī | tribal | part of the Madhḥij tribe |
al-Naja`ī | tribal | part of the Madhḥij tribe |
al-Qaranī | tribal | part of the Murād tribe |
al-Quranī | tribal | part of the Murād tribe |
al-Qushayrī | tribal | of the Qushayr tribe |
al-Riyāhī | tribal | of the Riyāh tribe |
al-Ru`aynī | tribal | of the al-Ru`ayn tribe |
al-Sadūsī | tribal | member of the Sadūs tribe |
al-Sahmī | tribal | of the Sahm tribe |
al-Sakūnī | tribal | of the Sakūn tribe |
al-Sha`bī | tribal | from the Sha`b clan |
al-Sulamī | tribal | from the Sulaym tribe |
al-Taglibī | tribal | member of the Taglib tribe |
al-Tha`ālibī | tribal | from the Tha`ālib tribe (Arabia) |
al-Wansharīsī | tribal | of the Wansharīs tribe (North Africa) |
al-Zammūrī | tribal | of the Zammūr tribe (Morocco) |
al-Zanātī | tribal | of the Zanāta tribe |
al-Zubaydī | tribal | of the Zubayd tribe |
al-Zuhrī | tribal | of the Zuhra clan |
al-`Arabī | tribal/ethnic | Arab |
al-Wankarī | tribal/ethnic | also al-Wangarī; Dyula merchant (West Africa) |
al-`Afawī | unknown | |
al-`Ajīsī | unknown | |
al-`Atakī | unknown | |
al-`Azafī | unknown | |
al-`Idwānī | unknown | |
al-`Ināṭī | unknown | |
al-`Ujaysī | unknown | |
al-`Uqbānī | unknown | |
al-`Utaqī | unknown | |
al-Afqahsī | unknown | |
al-Agṣāwī | unknown | |
al-Ajhūrī | unknown | |
al-Ajnā'ī | unknown | |
al-Anfāsī | unknown | |
al-Armawī | unknown | |
al-Ashja`ī | unknown | |
al-Awranī | unknown | |
al-Awṣī | unknown | |
al-Azharī | unknown | |
al-Baḥīrī | unknown | |
al-Bahfashīmī | unknown | |
al-Bajjānī | unknown | |
al-Balanī | unknown | |
al-Banbī | unknown | |
al-Banūfrī | unknown | |
al-Baqqūrī | unknown | |
al-Barādhi`ī | unknown | |
al-Barjī | unknown | |
al-Barmūnī | unknown | |
al-Barqī | unknown | |
al-Barshakī | unknown | |
al-Barshawī | unknown | |
al-Basaṭī | unknown | |
al-Basātī | unknown | |
al-Basf̣ī | unknown | |
al-Basīlī | unknown | |
al-Basṭī | unknown | |
al-Baṭṭuwī | unknown | |
al-Baydarī | unknown | |
al-Bijā'ī | unknown | |
al-Bilbālī | unknown | |
al-Bisā`ī | unknown | |
al-Biṭrūnī | unknown | |
al-Būfaryī | unknown | |
al-Bujā'ī | unknown | |
al-Bukā´ | unknown | |
al-Burullusī | unknown | |
al-Burzulī | unknown | |
al-Būzaydī | unknown | |
al-Ḍabbī | unknown | |
al-Ḍinnī | unknown | |
al-Dafrī | unknown | |
al-Daqqūn | unknown | |
al-Dāraquṭnī | unknown | |
al-Dhibḥ | unknown | |
al-Dīmī | unknown | |
al-Fahdī | unknown | |
al-Fahranī | unknown | |
al-Fanzārī | unknown | |
al-Fāriqī | unknown | |
al-Fasawī | unknown | |
al-Fata | unknown | |
al-Fazārī | unknown | |
al-Fīlālī | unknown | |
al-Fishtālī | unknown | |
al-Fundalāwī | unknown | |
al-Funta’awrī | unknown | |
al-Furāt | unknown | |
al-Gafajūnī | unknown | |
al-Gammāz | unknown | |
al-Garīḍ | unknown | |
al-Gubrīnī | unknown | |
al-Gumārī | unknown | |
al-Guryānī | unknown | |
al-Ḥabīb | unknown | |
al-Ḥasnāwī | unknown | |
al-Ḥawfī | unknown | |
al-Ḥayāwī | unknown | |
al-Ḥīḥī | unknown | |
al-Ḥinā´ī | unknown | |
al-Habṭī | unknown | |
al-Handīsī | unknown | |
al-Hunā'ī | unknown | |
al-Ianāsnī | unknown | |
al-Iyānī | unknown | |
al-Ja`marī | unknown | |
al-Jalaqī | unknown | |
al-Jānātī | unknown | |
al-Jarajī | unknown | |
al-Jarāwī | unknown | |
al-Jaṭīb | unknown | |
al-Jaṭṭāb | unknown | |
al-Jayyāb | unknown | |
al-Jayyāsh | unknown | |
al-Jidmīwī | unknown | |
al-Jilāwī | unknown | |
al-Jilyānī | unknown | |
al-Jinnī | unknown | |
al-Julṭī | unknown | |
al-Jushanī | unknown | |
al-Juzā`ī | unknown | |
al-Kadāwī | unknown | |
al-Kanābishī | unknown | |
al-Kāwānī | unknown | |
al-Kaznā'ī | unknown | |
al-Lablī | unknown | |
al-Labsī | unknown | |
al-Lajā'ī | unknown | |
al-Luqānī | unknown | |
al-Magāzbī | unknown | |
al-Māirī | unknown | |
al-Majāṣī | unknown | |
al-Majdūlī | unknown | |
al-Mājrī | unknown | |
al-Makkūdī | unknown | |
al-Malīkishī | unknown | |
al-Mamsī | unknown | |
al-Mānawī | unknown | |
al-Manjalātī | unknown | |
al-Manjūr | unknown | |
al-Mankallātī | unknown | |
al-Marjūlī | unknown | |
al-Maslāfī | unknown | |
al-Maslātī | unknown | |
al-Masnāwī | unknown | |
al-Masrānī | unknown | |
al-Maṭgarī | unknown | |
al-Maṭrī | unknown | |
al-Mattīṭī | unknown | |
al-Mattīwī | unknown | |
al-Māwāsī | unknown | |
al-Mawwāq | unknown | |
al-Mazdagī | unknown | |
al-Mazgaldī | unknown | |
al-Mazīlī | unknown | |
al-Mijrād | unknown | |
al-Miltānī | unknown | |
al-Mintawrī | unknown | |
al-Mishidhdhālī | unknown | |
al-Mu`īthī | unknown | |
al-Mūminānī | unknown | |
al-Munāṣif | unknown | |
al-Muzanī | unknown | |
al-Nadrūmī | unknown | |
al-Naḥrīnī | unknown | |
al-Nālī | unknown | |
al-Naqāwisī | unknown | |
al-Nās | unknown | |
al-Nījī | unknown | |
al-Nu`mān | unknown | may be error for al-Nu`mānī, descendant of Nu`mān |
al-Nubāhī | unknown | |
al-Qabbāb | unknown | |
al-Qalaṣādī | unknown | |
al-Qalshānī | unknown | |
al-Qanāzi`ī | unknown | |
al-Qanāzi`ī | unknown | |
al-Qantūrī | unknown | |
al-Qara`a | unknown | |
al-Qarawī | unknown | |
al-Qarrāf | unknown | |
al-Qaṣīr | unknown | |
al-Qayjamīsī | unknown | |
al-Qayjāṭī | unknown | |
al-Qibla | unknown | |
al-Qījāṭī | unknown | |
al-Qub`a | unknown | |
al-Qūba` | unknown | |
al-Quḍā`ī | unknown | |
al-Qusanfīnī | unknown | |
al-Qusī | unknown | |
al-Qūtī | unknown | |
al-Raba`ī | unknown | |
al-Ragrāgī | unknown | |
al-Rahūnī | unknown | |
al-Rāmūdhī | unknown | |
al-Raṣṣā` | unknown | |
al-Rub`ī | unknown | |
al-Rushāṭī | unknown | |
al-Ṣadīnī | unknown | |
al-Ṣarīḥī | unknown | |
al-Ṣawdī | unknown | |
al-Sajāwī | unknown | |
al-Samṭī | unknown | |
al-Sanhūrī | unknown | |
al-Sanūsī | unknown | |
al-Saṭī | unknown | |
al-Saṭṭī | unknown | |
al-Saytānī | unknown | |
al-Shafshāwī | unknown | |
al-Shalawbīn | unknown | |
al-Shamanī | unknown | |
al-Shanijālī | unknown | |
al-Sharrān | unknown | |
al-Shāṭ | unknown | |
al-Shāṭbitī | unknown | |
al-Shayj | unknown | |
al-Silafī | unknown | |
al-Suktānī | unknown | |
al-Sukūnī | unknown | |
al-Ṭā'ī | unknown | |
al-Ṭāy | unknown | |
al-Tadlasī | unknown | |
al-Talqūnī | unknown | |
al-Tanūjī | unknown | |
al-Tasūlī | unknown | |
al-Tatā'ī | unknown | |
al-Tāzagdrī | unknown | |
al-Tāzajtī | unknown | |
al-Thaqafī | unknown | |
al-Tigātī | unknown | |
al-Tijānī | unknown | |
al-Trānbī | unknown | |
al-Waglīsī | unknown | |
al-Wajdījī | unknown | |
al-Wāngīlī | unknown | |
al-Wānnūgī | unknown | |
al-Warasāmī | unknown | |
al-Wargammī | unknown | |
al-Warnīdī | unknown | |
al-Waryāglī | unknown | |
al-Washtātī | unknown | |
al-Wastānī | unknown | |
al-Wirgimmī | unknown | |
al-Wizirwālī | unknown | |
al-Ya`marī | unknown | |
al-Yadrī | unknown | |
al-Yānawī | unknown | |
al-Yāṣlūtī | unknown | also appears as al-Yāliṣūtī |
al-Yassītinī | unknown | |
al-Ẓunayn | unknown | |
al-Zaldīwī | unknown | |
al-Zamajsharī | unknown | |
al-Zandīwī | unknown | |
al-Zirwālī | unknown | |
al-Zugbī | unknown | |
al-Zukandrī | unknown | |
al-Zurwīlī | unknown | |
al-Zuwāwī | unknown | |
al-Zuwaydūrī | unknown | |