Only a handful of women had anything that might be defined as a byname. Of those, all were bynames of relation, that is names that specify who someone's father, mother, husband, or sister is. The pattern of these appears to simply explain who people are in relation to the testator (writer of the will). The exception is the identification of women as someone's wife. The women in these wills are almost without exception blood relations of the testator, while the men to whom they are married are in-laws.
Aster filee mee, uxorique Fagim Bonet | 'my daughter, and the wife of Fagim Bonet' |
Atzero filabus Adzero filiee mei | 'daughter of Adzero (who is) my daughter' |
Mancose uxori Abrahe de la Roxela | 'wife of Abraham de la Roxela' |
Regina uxor Bondia Coras | 'wife of Bondia Coras' |
Regine filie Goyo filie mee | 'daughter of Goyo (who is) my daughter' |
Aster sorori dicte Mancose | 'sister of the aforementioned Mancosa' |
Adzero filee mei | 'my daughter' |
Baynole sorori mei | 'my sister' |
Bontose filie mee | 'my daughter' |
Cobes uxore mea | 'my wife' |
Fave matri mei | 'my mother' |
Gaux, filee mee | 'my daughter' |
Ana Goya
HTML editing by Kathy Van Stone
Last updated:
25 September, 2002