An Index to the 1332 Lay Subsidy Rolls for Lincolnshire, England

by Mari Elspeth nic Bryan (mka Kathleen M. O'Brien)


Sorted by Given Name: (John T-K):

Title Given Name Article Byname(s) Village Line
John Taa L-218
John Tagel K-13642
John Tagul K-13434
JohnleTailour K-00128
JohnleTailour K-0207
JohnleTailour K-1661
John Tailour K-19829
John Tailur K-0348
John Talp K-02515
John Le Tanour H-323
JohnleTanur K-12815
JohnleTauerner K-16126
John Tayl' K-0606
John Tayllour H-1168
John Tayllour L-1730
JohnleTayllour L-185
JohnleTayllour L-3112
John Tayllour L-3664
John Tayllour L-4431
JohnleTayllur K-11710
John Tayllyour K-05514
JohnleTaylour K-01021
JohndeTeclay L-047
JohndeTeclay L-0423
John Temer H-0418
JohndeTemplo K-07813
John cum Tena L-0342
JohndeTenhaunger H-19111
John Tenman K-08857
JohndeTetford' K-0849
John textor K-00624
JohndeThame K-11320
John Thecker H-1148
JohndeThedilthorp' L-0339
John Theker L-5421
JohndeThirlhowe K-02811
John Tholy H-1468
JohnfiliusThome K-00536
JohnfiliusThome K-03122
JohnfiliusThome K-0653
JohnfiliusThome K-06925
JohnfiliusThome K-0935
JohnfiliusThome K-09814
JohnfiliusThome K-1193
JohnfiliusThome K-15912
JohnfiliusThome H-1522
JohnfiliusThome H-2332
JohnfiliusThome H-2672
JohnfiliusThome H-276
JohnfiliusThome H-2756
JohnfiliusThome H-14132
JohnfiliusThome H-0320
JohnfiliusThome H-0325
JohnfiliusThome L-077
JohnfiliusThome L-3010
JohnfiliusThome L-6610
JohnfiliusThome Bydal H-0594
JohnfiliusThome de Mora H-1445
JohnfiliusThome le Cok' K-11434
JohnfiliusThome Pynde H-05110
JohndeThope [sic] H-0135
John Thorald H-0733
John Thorif' K-20836
John Thorney [sic -- asyndetic] H-2163
JohndeThornhill' K-0852
JohndeThorp' L-0357
John Thory K-20213
John Thurkel K-0598
JohndeThurleby K-1233
John Thurstan L-192
John Tc0c0c0>Tiddesone H-2938
John Tiffur K-0797
John Tipeler K-13511
John Tobul K-0737
John Togo K-00646
John Toilet K-0315
John Toller H-0314
John Toly K-11226
John Torbeys H-0682
JohndeTothill K-1772
JohndeTresk' L-0327
John Treufelaugh' K-10019
John Trig' L-5012
John Trot K-0319
John Trouns H-1133
John Trut K-1332
John Trygg' K-0948
John Trygge K-1344
John Tryk' K-05536
John Tulnay H-3210
JohndeTumby H-3293
John Tunhead K-0455
John Turnour H-07144
John Turnur K-13462
John Turpyn K-12532
John Turtell' L-894
John Turuay L-3310
JohndeTwiford K-14513
John Tymne L-171
JohndeTynerygton' L-1422
JohndeTynwelle K-1164
JohndeUffyngton' K-00135
John Ulster L-8627
JohndeUpthorp' K-1223
JohndeUpton K-20517
John Uttyng K-11376
John vaile K-0299
John Valet H-1739
John valiaunt L-4447
John Vaus K-14126
Johninvenella K-00943
Johninvenella K-1981
John veysi K-14521
John vicarius de Binington' K-0972
John Vig[er] K-00530
Johndevilers K-2099
John vyel K-15411
John Wace H-15104
John Wace H-1658
JohnfiliusWace H-2774
John Wach K-00630
John Wade K-11362
John Wade L-3842
JohndeWadyngham L-3019
John Waifare K-1265
John Walch' K-0378
JohndeWalcote K-15210
JohndeWalcote L-1110
John Waldscheff K-0353
John Waldyng K-01610
John Walgot K-0241
John Walle K-0442
JohndelWalles H-2388
John Wallyng' L-1738
John Wallyng' L-2223
John Walneue H-241
JohnfiliusWalteri K-0153
JohnfiliusWalteri K-0694
JohnfiliusWalteri K-1051
JohnfiliusWalteri K-1914
JohnfiliusWalteri K-21410
JohnfiliusWalteri H-2915
JohnfiliusWalteri H-0784
JohnfiliusWalteri H-04153
JohnfiliusWalteri H-27160
JohnfiliusWalteri L-0124
JohnfiliusWalteri L-204
JohnfiliusWalteri L-2344
JohnfiliusWalteri L-4017
JohnfiliusWalteri L-838
JohnfiliusWalteri de Wenham H-2421
JohnfiliusWalteri Parlebien H-017
JohnfiliusWalteri Rote H-0147
John Ward K-15517
John Ward K-19923
JohnleWard H-1973
John Ward H-0234
John Warde K-0774
JohnleWarde K-1707
John Warde L-4435
John Warde L-6916
Johnde laWare K-0764
John Warin L-2823
JohnfiliusWarini H-17147
JohnleWarner H-32107
JohndeWarngil H-32110
John Waryn K-0994
John Waryn K-2062
John Waryn K-21210
John Waryn L-5410
JohnWaryn L-779
JohnWastpayn K-05825
JohnatteWater K-18316
JohndeWaynflet H-2357
JohnleWayt K-1573
JohnleWayt' K-16334
JohnWebster L-3827
JohnWek' K-09130
JohndeWelbourn H-2417
JohnatteWell' K-1049
JohnatteWelle K-0202
JohndeWelleby K-1069
JohndeWelles H-0255
JohndeWenham H-1655
JohnWest K-00727
JohnWest K-00830
JohnWest K-11511
JohnWest K-13218
JohnWest L-7423
JohnWest' K-19112
JohndeWestgate K-08015
JohndeWesthagh' L-0267
JohndeWestholm' L-679
JohndeWeston' K-001124
JohnWestyby L-3114
JohndeWetel K-10210
JohnWetleye K-10212
JohnWeuyl H-1751
JohnWeyth [sic] H-17133
JohndeWhasyngborn K-08520
JohnžeWhird K-1008
JohndeWhitton Capellanus L-1611
JohndeWhitwell' L-844
JohnWhyte H-1124
JohnWhyte L-3849
JohnfiliusWillelmi K-0575
JohnfiliusWillelmi K-09518
JohnfiliusWillelmi K-1291
JohnfiliusWillelmi K-13011
JohnfiliusWillelmi K-1505
JohnfiliusWillelmi K-1708
JohnfiliusWillelmi K-1717
JohnfiliusWillelmi K-18013
JohnfiliusWillelmi K-1821
JohnfiliusWillelmi K-19715
JohnfiliusWillelmi K-1995
JohnfiliusWillelmi H-1949
JohnfiliusWillelmi H-1325
JohnfiliusWillelmi H-0739
JohnfiliusWillelmi H-2463
JohnfiliusWillelmi H-27138
JohnfiliusWillelmi H-21161
JohnfiliusWillelmi L-1418
JohnfiliusWillelmi L-1617
JohnfiliusWillelmi L-4012
JohnfiliusWillelmi L-438
JohnfiliusWillelmi L-6925
JohnfiliusWillelmi L-7334
JohnfiliusWillelmi L-8531
JohnfiliusWillelmi L-9015
JohnfiliusWillelmi clerici K-14819
JohnfiliusWillelmi Curre H-0885
JohnfiliusWillelmi de Ab.....d' L-041
JohnfiliusWillelmi de Broun' K-0767
JohnfiliusWillelmi de Hadyngton' K-2181
JohnfiliusWillelmi de Hadyngton' K-1091
JohnfiliusWillelmi de Ryngestorp' K-16219
JohnfiliusWillelmi filii Stephani L-1734
JohnfiliusWillelmi Wyne L-0218
John With' K-0025
John Wither K-13640
John Wlryn H-3035
John Wluiue H-0452
JohndeWo?ilby L-2213
Johnde laWode K-1259
Johnde le Wode K-1835
John Woderoue K-08820
John Wodgrayue K-16422
John Wodgrayue L-7034
John Wolmer L-7410
John Worhip H-1448
John Woyne L-0425
John Wragge K-02132
John Wriard K-13613
JohnleWright L-2215
John en le Wro H-1045
JohndeWrot' L-0189
John Wryde K-11345
John Wryde K-11398
JohnfiliusWydonis H-298
JohndeWyke H-1226
John Wykerel K-1201
JohnatteWykeres K-18314
JohndeWykham L-3652
John Wylimot' L-7714
JohndeWylughby K-06816
John Wymark' K-11379
John Wynd[er] K-001160
JohndeWyndesou[er] H-0467
JohndeWyndesou[er] H-04186
John Wyne H-1811
John Wynter K-1151
John Wynter K-17822
John Wyot' K-1853
John Wyrlecane K-17046
John Wyse L-6912
John Wyseday K-0537
John Wyseman K-16220
JohnleWyte K-09114
John Wyth' K-20230
John Wyther L-7015
John Wythmay K-00549
JohndeWythom H-1747
John Wythyng' K-2134
JohndeWyttyngton' K-1934
JohndeWytyngton' L-791
rcolor=#c0c0c0> JohndeWywell' K-06230
Johndeyerdeburgh' L-902
John Yole H-2393
John yole L-613
John ython K-1olor=#c0c0c0>K-17118
John ywe K-20320
MrJohn K-1224
John attehill' K-00212
John Aungewyn K-06323
John filius Cecilie K-00214
John clericus K-0717
John Cok' K-0712
John Neucomen K-0902
John Scharp' K-0713
JordandeGeneston' K-09328
JordandeHoland' K-00846
Jordan Moldeson H-0814
Jordan tannator K-17936
Joseph Bousom H-2681
JualianadeBelton' K-04811
Juliana Bate K-00928
Juliana Belle K-00513
JulianadeCaue L-199
Juliana faukes K-06978
JulianadeGilby L-5211
Juliana Hary L-6935
Julianaque fuit uxorJohannis H-12115
Juliana Lokester K-1955
JulianafiliaMatild[is] K-00935
JulianadeMilnethorp' K-1348
Juliana Molendinarius [sic] K-21026
Juliana Neubrid L-7412
Juliana Norman H-2682
Julianarelictaphilippi K-06970
JulianauxorRadulphi K-18613
Juliana Roys K-16710
Julianadescchotby K-03116
Juliana sebrond K-0173
JulianadeThrykyngham K-17734
Juliana Walter H-1825
JulianauxorWillelmi Belward K-00521
Juliana yonge L-0511
KatherinedeLafford K-06219
Katherine Pynder K-06227