Feminine Given Names in
A Dictionary of English Surnames

Abbreviations used in the Name Data

Talan Gwynek, Fause Losenge Herald Extraordinary
(Brian M. Scott, bmscott@stratos.net)
© 1994 by Brian M. Scott; all rights reserved.

Names attested before 1250
Names attested 1250 to 1450
Names attested after 1450


* (used before a name) = a form for which I do not know any attestation.
* (following a name) = form attested as a surname.
(g.) = form attested following Lat filius or filia.
< = derives from.
> = yields.
a. = ante, before.
acc. = accusative case.
app. = apparently.
c. = circa, about.
CG = Continental Germanic.
deriv. = derivative.
dim. = diminutive.
e. = early
Eng = English.
esp. = especially.
fem. = feminine.
Fr = French.
g. or gen. = genitive case.
Gk = Greek.
Heb = Hebrew.
hyp. = hypocoristic.
Ir = Irish.
Ital = Italian.
l. = late.
Lat = Latin.
masc. = masculine.
ME = Middle English.
nom. = nominative case.
obl. = oblique case.
OBret = Old Breton.
ODa = Old Danish.
OE = Old English.
OFr = Old French.
ON = Old Norse.
OSw = Old Swedish.
perh. = perhaps.
pop. = popular.
prob. = probably.
sim. = similar.
var. = variant.
vern. = vernacular.
12° = twelfth century, and similarly for other centuries.

Names attested before 1250
Names attested 1250 to 1450
Names attested after 1450

Layout & publishing by Arval Benicoeur